Is surgery preferred for SUPRASPINATUS TENDON TEAR?
After the injury, you had a partial width full thickness tear of your supraspinatus tendon. A tendon is similar to a rope and you can compare the suprasinatus tendon to an inch wide rope. So partial width full thickness tear means that only a portion of the wide tendon was cut and this part was cut was though and through. In case of the said ...
There is an impression of superior labral tear and extensive partial thickness tearing of the supraspinatus tendon attachment both on the articular and bursal sides but no significant tendon retraction or associated rotator cuff muscle atrophy.
Pain, TENDONITIS after injury treating with MUSCLE RELAXER, …
I was diagnosed with tendonitis in left wrist one month ago from a motorcycle accident that happened several months ago where I was thrown forward over handle bars. Prescribed muscle relaxer and steroid. Took full prescriptions as required, daily for 2 weeks. This helped but I ran out of the medication and I'm still having same issues with pain.
Full thickness tear along the leading edge of the supraspinatus tendon. There is also high-grade partial tearing of the distal subscapularis and infraspinatus tendinopathy. 2.
I have a joint in shoulder joint from past 6 months. have recently undergone a MRI MRI impression shows: 1) doubtful superior anterior labrum tear with hill sacs lesions 2) inferior sloping of acromion causing moderate impression on supraspinatous tendon with partial tear involving bursal surface Right now my orthopedic has suggested me key surgery (arthroscopy) to attach …
Shoulder surgery - DoctorSpring
-There is moderate tendinosis of the supraspinatus, and a high-grade tear at the greater tuberosity. This measures approximately 1 cm AP and 1.5 cm transverse. There is nearly full thickness involvement. There is moderate fluid in the overlying subdeltoid bursa.-There is moderate tendinosis of the distal infraspinatus.
Cause for fatty mass in SUPRASTERNAL NOTCH AREA.
1. Uncertain about your diagnosis or if their treatment options are complicated, risky, or unpleasant
Quadriceps Tendinosis. - DoctorSpring
Hello, Welcome at Doctorspring. I have read your question with diligence. From your details, it looks that you may be suffering from tendinosis of tendon of the quadriceps muscle.If you are able to walk or do sports activities and pain comes only after activity then you may get benefit from conservative treatment.This treatment consists of injection of cortisone or a sclerosing agent.
Tenosynovitis. - doctorspring.com
Hi, my left wrist hurts when i pull it back (or when i try to push myself out of bed, or do a push up). It also hurts wh
Severe pain in the limbs - doctorspring.com
c)Tendonitis – usually seen in sports events. d)Venous insufficiency like deep vein thrombosis. e)Peripheral arterial disease seen in cold and pale limbs and increased sensitivity to pain. f)Medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease or …