Make sure your computers speaker is not muted and volume is at the adequate level. Also make sure you have a working microphone, whether built-in or external. Receiving calls. Click the “Green phone” to accept the call or “Red phone” to reject or send to voice mail.
Avaya one-X Communicator is a software application that enables you to control telephone calls (both incoming and outgoing) directly from your PC. Avaya one-X Communicator enables you to log into your company's server remotely and make and receive telephone calls from your telephone extension.
This document provides instructions on installing and using the Avaya one-X Agent application. Note: Avaya one-X Agent is currently supported by Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit with Service Pack 1; Windows 8 32-bit or 64-bit; Windows 8.1 32-bit or 64-bit; and Windows 10 32-bit or 64-bit.
Avaya one-X® Communicator is an intuitive, easy-to-use voice and video softphone that supports both H.323 and SIP protocols. Avaya one-X® Communicator provides you all your desk phone features, video, access to enterprise directory, access to your contacts, instant messaging, and presence in a single interface on your Windows computer.
Avaya one-X Agent - User Quick Start - Avaya Learning
How do I open or close a transcript for the current screen? How do I open or close a list of steps in the current demonstration video?
Speak into the headset, microphone, or handset. On the action bar, click the Work Options list menu and select New Call. In the Text Input field, enter the phone number, valid deskphone number, agent number, or extension number. Click Initiate Call …
Open one-X Communicator by double clicking the one-X Communicator icon on your desktop and enter your extension and password and click Log On Under Menu Settings > View, check the Show Line Display option to allow you to see the Active Call information.
Avaya One X Agent Configuration/Features Tutorial - Vimeo
This video will show you how to configure your Avaya One X Agent and guide you through some of the most used features. A Detailed table of contents can be found…
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