UNREALIZED Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of UNREALIZED is not realized. How to use unrealized in a sentence.
What Are Unrealized Gains and Losses? - Investopedia
2024年11月4日 · An unrealized gain is an increase in the value of an asset or investment that an investor holds, such as an open stock position. An unrealized loss is a decrease in the value of …
UNREALIZED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
UNREALIZED definition: 1. If a plan or a hope is unrealized, it has not been achieved or has not happened: 2. An…. Learn more.
What Are Unrealized Gains and Losses? - SoFi
2025年2月26日 · Unrealized gains and losses are increases or decreases in the value of an asset that has yet to be realized through a sale. They exist on paper but are not taxable until the …
105 Synonyms & Antonyms for UNREALIZED | Thesaurus.com
Find 105 different ways to say UNREALIZED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.
What Is an Unrealized Gain/Loss and How Does It Impact Finances?
2025年2月2日 · Understand how unrealized gains and losses affect your financial health and tax obligations, and learn how to record them in personal finance.
What Is Realized Gain and How Does It Differ From Unrealized …
2025年2月9日 · Unrealized gains, also known as “paper profits,” reflect the current market value of an asset exceeding its original purchase price without a sale taking place. These gains are …
UNREALIZED Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
adjective not made real or actual; not resulting in accomplishment, as a task or aim: unrealized ambitions. not known or suspected: unrealized talent. unrealized / ʌnˈrɪəˌlaɪzd /
Unrealized - definition of unrealized by The Free Dictionary
1. not made real or actual; not resulting in accomplishment, as a task or aim: unrealized ambitions. 2. not known or suspected: unrealized talent.
Unrealized Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
Unrealized definition: Not brought to realization; not made actual or real.