logic: unification of a formula - Mathematics Stack Exchange
The Unification Algorithm is described at page 84. You have to recall the resolution calculus [page 29] : Resolution is a simple syntactic transformation applied to formulas. From two given …
logic - Unification: constant, variable, function - Mathematics Stack ...
2020年10月28日 · In first-order unification, which you seem to be discussing, that is possible assuming X and Z are variables and a is a constant. I'd suggest you check carefully …
What is/How to do Unification - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2012年12月9日 · In a now deleted answer, sunflower gave a unification algorithm which has an explicit rule to that effect: "The unification of two functors with different name or arity fails." …
Unification of an expression - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2020年7月29日 · Unification is not possible for these expressions. I wanna know if this Unification failure isn't only due to the chosen Substitution ? For example why they didn't substitute: X / …
Substitution To Find Most General Unifier
2013年11月22日 · The most general is $\phi\ x \mapsto y$, since $\psi$ factors though $\phi$ with $\Phi\ y \mapsto c$ (or equivalently $\phi\ y \mapsto x$ and $\Phi\ x \mapsto c$). The usual …
Most General Unification of variables with the same function
The occurs check happens when we would have to unify a variable with an expression which also contains that variable (the impossibility of this basically got noted before unification even …
algebraic number theory - What's the significance of Tate's thesis ...
2011年3月5日 · Among other things, this provides a rather striking unification of (what we now call) Serre duality and Fourier duality. (Although I don't know the precise history, this probably …
What is the difference between Finite Difference Methods, Finite ...
Unification of a Finite Element and a Finite Volume method has been accomplished herewith, for a ...