meaning - "At the moment" or "in the moment"? - English …
2014年12月10日 · "At the moment" means right now. For example, "He's asleep at the moment". "In the moment" means with a special focus on the present time. For example, "living in the …
a better way to express "an idea/thought suddenly came to me"
2013年12月12日 · A light bulb moment TFD. Informal a moment of sudden inspiration, revelation, or recognition [from the cartoon image of a light bulb lighting up above a character's head …
word usage - What is the difference between "at this time", "on …
2017年7月11日 · "at this time" means the same as "at the moment" and refers to the specific instant when the claim is being made with an exception. When you use "at the moment" at the …
slang - Is the term "gotcha moment" familiar? - English Language ...
2016年9月9日 · By the time the plane landed, I had attained the 'Gotcha' moment that is the Nirvana of the vengeful reader. It took me only an hour to get a fax of the 'original article' (by …
expressions - Non-negative idiom for someone arriving the …
2022年1月4日 · In several languages, there is a positive idiom or expression which is uttered when someone coincidentally walks in while people were talking about him/her. In some …
How do I use "as of now" correctly? - English Language & Usage …
2014年8月31日 · Think of ‘As of now’ being like - ‘stop! Freeze the moment!’ Take a photo! And tell you what’s going on. It also can mean that the speaker is telling you ‘the best that he …
What is the difference between 'until' and 'up until'?
2015年10月13日 · Again, according to the Collins English Dictionary, "up until" or "up to" points to the latest time at which a thing may occur or the last moment of the period of time to which you …
A word/phrase for an unexpected change or turn of events in a …
2017年3月14日 · a watershed event/moment The discovery of penicillin was a watershed in the history of medicine. The origin of its figurative usage appears to be from the geological term, …
What does 'gotcha' mean? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2011年6月17日 · Gotcha actually has several meanings. All of them can be derived from the phrase of which this is a phonetic spelling, namely "[I have] got you".
"For the time being" vs. "for now" - English Language & Usage …
"For the time being" is suggesting that at this moment in time, this is what is happening/what is occurring/where we are, but could change with a simple "You can't stay" or "This won't work." …