Sylvestris - Wikipedia
Sylvestris, a Latin word meaning of the forest, may refer to: Subspecies. Banksia dallanneyi subsp. sylvestris, a subspecies of Banksia dallanneyi; Equus caballus sylvestris, the domestic …
Flowering Tobacco, Nicotiana sylvestris - Wisconsin Horticulture
Looking to add fragrance to the garden? Flowering tobacco offers dramatic foliage and sweet-scented flowers in late summer. This annual plant with clusters of tubular white flowers atop …
Pinus sylvestris - Wikipedia
Pinus sylvestris, the Scots pine (UK), Scotch pine (US), Baltic pine, [2] or European red pine [3] is a species of tree in the pine family Pinaceae that is native to Eurasia. It can readily be …
长白松 - 百度百科
长白松(Pinus sylvestris L. var. sylvestriformis (Takenouchi) Cheng et C. D. Chu)是松科松属的乔木植物。
欧洲赤松 - 百度百科
欧洲赤松(Pinus sylvestris L.),是松科松属的乔木,其树皮为红褐色;小枝为暗灰褐色;针叶为蓝绿色,粗硬;雌球花有短梗,向下弯垂;球果熟时为暗黄褐色,呈圆锥状卵圆形;种子是黑 …
Anemone sylvestris - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Anemone sylvestris is a spring-blooming anemone that features cup-shaped, 1.5-2" diameter, fragrant, 5-sepaled, often nodding, white flowers with yellow anthers in the center. Flowers are …
山杜英 - 百度百科
山杜英( Elaeocarpus sylvestris (Lour.) Poir.):杜英科,杜英属小乔木,高可达10米;小枝 纤细 ,秃净无毛;叶纸质,倒卵形或倒披针形,上下两面均无毛,边缘有钝锯齿或波状钝齿;叶柄 …
Pinus sylvestris L.
它与樟子松P. sylvestris var. mongolica Litv.的区别在于后者树皮为黄色至褐黄色、内侧金黄色,针叶更为粗硬,径1.5-2毫米,树脂道多达6-11个,球果种鳞之鳞盾淡绿褐色;而本变种除树皮 …
Pinus sylvestris - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Pinus sylvestris, commonly called Scots pine, is a fast-growing, conical to columnar, medium sized conifer with distinctive flaking orange/red-brown bark. It typically grows 30-60’ tall in …
Tulipa sylvestris (Botanical Tulip) - Gardenia
Often found in woodlands, Tulip sylvestris is a vigorous, delightfully scented, wild tulip with bright, buttercup-yellow flowers with a green rib running outside and pointed petals. A real delight in …