SLENDERNESS中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
We tend to associate slenderness with all kinds of positive attributes, from self-control to intelligence. 我们倾向于将苗条与各种从自制力到智力的正面品质联系起来。 They had many …
Slenderness ratio - Wikipedia
In architecture, the slenderness ratio, or simply slenderness, is an aspect ratio, the quotient between the height and the width of a building. In structural engineering, slenderness is used …
Slenderness Ratio Calculator
2024年10月9日 · The slenderness ratio calculator is a tool that instantly helps you determine the slenderness ratio of a column of any length and for different cross-sectional areas. In the field …
柱单元的屈曲计算 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
回转半径r(Radius of Gyration)表示弯曲处距截面质心的距离,在该距离处所有区域都可以集中而对惯性矩没有任何影响。 形状相对于每个轴的回转半径由下式给出: 当外载荷达到临界载 …
slenderness是什么意思_slenderness的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_ …
The slenderness of the chances that anything would be done. 任何事情都做的机会微乎其微. We try to combine slenderness with strength. 我们力图将苗条和力量完美结合. He knew the …
What is slenderness ratio & why is it important in design?
Slenderness ratio is a geometrical parameter, defined for a compression member (column). It is the ratio of effective length and lateral dimension of the compression member. It is also a …
slenderness的意思、解释及翻译:1. the quality of being thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive : 2. the quality of…。 了解更多。 词典
长细比 - 搜狗百科
2024年6月17日 · 长细比(Slenderness) 是指杆件的计算长度与杆件截面的回转半径之比。 长细比注意,是杆件的计算长度,计算长度与杆件端部的连接方式有关,如固接、铰接、链接、自 …
SLENDERNESS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
SLENDERNESS definition: 1. the quality of being thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive : 2. the quality of…. Learn more.
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 slenderness是什么意思_slenderness的中文解释和发音_slenderness …