매일경제는 초일류국가로 도약할 수 있는 국가적 비전을 선도하며 지식강국의 내일을 위해 새로운 비전과 패러다임을 제시하고 있습니다.
As fears of a long-term recession spread rapidly throughout the …
1 天前 · The sluggish electric vehicle battery industry, which once continued its high march, is also painful. In line with the expansion of the electric vehicle market, battery and battery material companies have actively engaged in investment and production plants.
If South Korea fails to restructure its industries, it is warned that ...
1 天前 · According to the KDI, the economic growth rate, which is expected to be 1.9% between 2023 and 2030, is expected to fall to 1.3% between 2031 and 2040.
Amid a series of claims that industrial policies to improve ...
1 天前 · Amid a series of claims that industrial policies to improve productivity are urgent, opinions have been raised that domestic industrial restructuring should be continued and weight should be placed on building supply chains in the short term. Lee Keun, chair of …
The Korean economy is in a "devastation" phase as prices have …
3 天之前 · The Korean economy is in a "devastation" phase as prices have rebounded in the new year due to the endless economic recession. It is a burden on the Bank of Korea's base rate cut and the discussion of the supplementary budget triggered by politics.
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Inflation rose back to the 2% level for the first time in five months ...
3 天之前 · Inflation rose back to the 2% level for the first time in five months. The consumer price index rose 2.2 percent in January from a year earlier, the highest gain since July last year. Fears of "stagfl..
매일경제 마켓
“요즘 애들은 주식 이렇게 한다”…초보 투자자 ‘필수앱’된 이것. 온라인증권사 거래율, 은행계 앞질러‘모바일앱 이용 편리성’ 특강점 꼽혀z세대 및 베이비부머세대 유입 자극초보투자자 친화 거래 환경 조성 역할비대면 거래를 선호하는 젊은층이 투자 흐름의 축으로 부상하면서 최근 온라인 ...