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Born in Blackness Book Summary by Howard W. French - Shortform
The most detailed book summary of "Born in Blackness" by Howard W. French. Get the main points of "Born in Blackness" with Shortform book summaries.
How to Write Social Media Posts: Be Brief to Be Heard
2024年9月16日 · VandeHei, Allen, and Schwartz explain that social media—an environment characterized by short attention spans and information overload—demands brevity and clarity …
Melania’s Businesses: Luxury Jewelry & Skincare Ventures
2024年11月7日 · Melania Trump's business ventures in jewelry and skincare reveal the complexities of entrepreneurship in the luxury market. Learn her story.
Economic Nationalism: Its History & Potential Future - Shortform
2025年1月14日 · When a government institutes protectionist policies, it puts up barriers to trade. These can be in the form of taxes, tariffs, quotas, regulations, or sanctions. These barriers …
Best Books by Genre, Rated by Experts (Updated for 2021)
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How to Show Warmth: 15 Tips From Vanessa Van Edwards
2024年10月15日 · (Shortform note: Linguistics experts explain that sounds of agreement are a form of “phatic communication,” a type of communication that serves mainly to strengthen …
What Are the Different Types of Memory? Lisa Genova Explains
2025年2月10日 · While short-term memory refers to the information held in the brain for a short period of time (15-30 seconds, as Genova says), working memory is unique in that it allows …