Insurance Topics | Reinsurance | NAIC
2025年3月4日 · Actions. On June 25, 2019, the Executive (EX) Committee and Plenary adopted revisions to Model #785 and Model #786, which implement the reinsurance collateral provisions of the “Bilateral Agreement Between the United States of America and the European Union on Prudential Measures Regarding Insurance and Reinsurance” (EU Covered Agreement) and …
binder. Reinsurance intermediaries act as insurance producers in accepting any reinsurance contract or binder on behalf of an insurer. The NAIC has adopted the Reinsurance Intermediary Model Act (#790), which contains a simplified registration process for …
2025年3月4日 · Karalee Morell (Reinsurance Association of AmericaRAA— ) stated that she agrees with the comments that were provided by the other commenters. 5.iscussed Ongoing Projects at the NAIC That Affect Reinsurance D . Jake Stultz (NAIC) stated that in 2023, the Macroprudential (E) Working Group had created a new einsurance r
Prospective Reinsurance Accounting (paragraphs 30 -32) • Ceding entity: loss and LAE reserves Exhibits & Schedules do not take credit for retroactive reinsurance • Assuming entity: loss and LAE reserves Exhibits & Schedules exclude assumed retroactive reinsurance • Balance sheet write-in amounts:
2019年8月3日 · a. Reinsurance recoverables on unpaid casebasis and incurred but not reported - losses and loss adjustment expenses shall be reported as a contraliability net- ted against the liability for gross losses and loss adjustment expenses; b. Amounts paid for prospective reinsurance that meet the conditions for reinsurance
Mar. 1, 2025 Exceptions to the Reinsurance Attestation Supplement (Property) Schedule SIS – Stockholder Information Supplement (Property, Life, Health, Title) Supplemental Compensation Exhibit (Property, Life, Health, Title) Mar. 15, 2025 Actuarial Opinion Summary (Property) (Note: An insurer’s state of domicile may
obligations of policyholders, regulators and the parties to assumption reinsurance agreements. Section 2. Scope. A. This Act applies to any insurer authorized in this state which either assumes or transfers the obligations or risks, or both, on contracts of insurance pursuant to an assumption reinsurance agreement.
• Significant reserve decrease due to reinsurance or use of non -primary security to back reserves • Collectability risk associated with the reinsurer is significant • Perhaps consideration of affiliated status or protections such as trusts or funds withheld • Generally targeting optimistic judgment on key assumptions or more favorable
Life reinsurance transactions with licensed, accredited or reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurers (RJR) generally do not require a collateral mechanism to provide credit for reinsurance (CFR). Separate and distinct from CFR, the Life RBC Manual instructions …
d. Intercompany reinsurance agreements and any amendments thereto, among companies 100% owned by a common parent or ultimate controlling person provided there is no gain in surplus as a result of the transaction; or e. Reinsurance and or retrocession agreements that meet the criteria of …