Rein in vs. Reign in: Correct Usage - Merriam-Webster
In current English, rein in is used to mean both "to limit or control (something or someone)" and "to make (an animal) stop by using reins." Meanwhile, reign too is a verb.
REIN IN Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of REIN IN is to limit or control (someone or something). How to use rein in in a sentence.
REIN SOMETHING IN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
REIN SOMETHING IN definition: 1. to make a horse go more slowly or stop by pulling on its reins 2. to control an emotion…. Learn more.
"Reign" Vs. "Rein" – What's The Difference? | Dictionary.com
2021年6月30日 · Rein can be a noun or a verb, and it can be literal or metaphorical. Its literal sense is usually plural— reins are the straps fastened to a horse’s (or other animal’s) …
Reining in - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To tighten control over someone or something; to restrain, slow down, or diminish someone or something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "rein" and "in." You need to rein in your …
Rein In: Definition, Meaning and Origin - US Dictionary
2023年5月14日 · What does "rein in" mean? "Rein in" is an idiom meaning to control, restrain, or limit someone's actions or behavior. Where did the phrase "rein in" come from? The origin of …
‘Reign In’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
2023年2月3日 · The short answer, though, is that ‘rein in’ is the correct spelling and not ‘reign in.’ Figuratively, this phrase means to tighten control over a person or a thing or to restrain, hold …
Reign in - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To restrain or control something or someone: The coalition tried to rein in its more militant members. I reined my anger in and refused to fight. 2. To make a horse move more slowly or …
Rein in - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
control and direct with or as if by reins
REIN IN definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Have you any idea what my kitchen would look like after he'd had a free rein in there for twenty-four hours? He tried to rein in speculation, tempering his panic with what he hoped was …