Radiocarbon dating - Wikipedia
Radiocarbon dating (also referred to as carbon dating or carbon-14 dating) is a method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the properties of …
Carbon-14 - Wikipedia
Carbon-14, C-14, 14 C or radiocarbon, is a radioactive isotope of carbon with an atomic nucleus containing 6 protons and 8 neutrons. Its presence in organic matter is the basis of the …
Radiocarbon | Cambridge Core
Radiocarbon is the international journal of record for technical and interpretive articles and date lists relevant to 14 C and other radioisotopes and techniques used in archaeological, …
Carbon Dating or Radiocarbon Dating Explained - Science Notes …
2025年1月29日 · Carbon dating, also known as radiocarbon dating or carbon-14 dating, is a method of determining the age of organic materials by measuring the amount of carbon-14 (14 …
放射性碳定年法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
现如今,人们在计算放射性碳龄时用的依然是利比半衰期,计算出的结果被称为“惯用年龄”( Conventional Radiocarbon Age )。 现代使用的 14 C 大气含量校准曲线——IntCal,也使用了 …
Radiocarbon dating - Nature Reviews Methods Primers
2021年9月9日 · Radiocarbon dating uses the decay of a radioactive isotope of carbon (14 C) to measure time and date objects containing carbon-bearing material. With a half-life of 5,700 ± …
Home | Radiocarbon
Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the O’odham and the Yaqui. The University strives to build sustainable relationships with …
Radiocarbon: A key tracer for studying Earth’s dynamo ... - Science
Carbon-14 or radiocarbon, a radioactive isotope produced in the upper atmosphere by cosmic rays, is rapidly incorporated into the terrestrial carbon cycle and provides a way to calculate …
放射性碳测年简介 - BETA 实验室
加速器质谱(AMS)是一种现代化的放射性碳测年法,被认为是衡量样品的放射性碳含量更为有效的方法。 在此方法中,直接测量碳12和碳13的相对含量。 该方法不计算β粒子,而是计算样 …
Radiocarbon - 期刊影响因子 1.82 - JCR 2 区 - 中科院 3 区 - 地球 …
学术期刊 Radiocarbon,期刊 ISSN: 0033-8222, 1945-5755。 RADIOCARBON 的目的是发表关于 14C 和其他宇宙成因同位素的所有方面的技术和解释性文章。 此外,我们还提供已发布和未发 …