To put someone down - WordReference Forums
2018年1月19日 · - To put s.o. down 1. To insult, mock, belittle, or disparage one. - The boss is always putting me down in front of everyone in the office. It's really making my life miserable. - …
put down stakes - WordReference Forums
2009年8月25日 · In a more general sense, to "put down stakes" is to settle somewhere: to establish a residence, set up a business, or the like. After living all over the world, he finally …
lay vs. put down | WordReference Forums
2020年5月12日 · To put it in a different way to sound shift, 'putting' , i.e. to use the verb 'put' on its own to mean 'to place an object', is not possible - it needs to be completed by an adverbial …
sign up/put your name down | WordReference Forums
2021年11月30日 · Putting your name down has a particular sense in the context of our archaic education system. Parents are said to "put their child's name down" at birth for a place in a …
put off and put down (a passenger) | WordReference Forums
2019年7月29日 · 5 put somebody off (something) British English to let someone leave a vehicle at a particular place I’ll put you off at the supermarket. 12 LEAVE PASSENGER put somebody …
put down the fire - WordReference Forums
2011年10月19日 · You're fine to ask this: put down is a versatile phrase. You can put down a book, put something down in writing, put someone down with a put-down, put it down to …
To put something "in my calendar" or "on my calendar"?
2016年7月11日 · Hi, I am not sure which preposition to use when I say that I want to add something to my calendar. Is it to put something "in" or 'on" my calendar, or if both are …
cut down & put down - WordReference Forums
2014年11月12日 · 1. I want to cut down my weight.2. I want to cut my weight down.3. I want to put down my weight.4. I want to put my weight down.Of all the above 4, both "cut down" and "put …
"Put down the pen" or "Put the pen down"? Which sounds natural?
2016年8月23日 · Now suppose you want someone to put something down you can either say: A. Put down the pen. B. Put the pen down. 'A' feels like the SWAT team is yelling, "Put down the …
put the book <down> on the table | WordReference Forums
2017年5月2日 · -He put the book down on the table. A: He put the book on the table. B: Which direction was the book in? A: It was down low. Q 1: Does this analysis make sense? Q 2: Can …