The correct way to write "and/or" together in a sentence
2014年10月28日 · There is no correct way; it depends on what style guide you are using. However, at least in AmE, and/or is the vastly more common construction. If in doubt, I would …
One word to mean “the proper way of doing things”
2011年5月12日 · To begin with, it seems to me that simply saying "proper" would fit your example nicely, although I suppose a case could be made that it's not the most tactful choice. Beyond …
abbreviations - Should I write "PhD" or "Ph.D."? - English …
This page discusses whether to use "PhD" or "Ph.D." in written English.
Where do you put the suffix when listing the last name first?
Use a comma before Jr. and Sr., but treat II and III according to the person’s preference. Within a sentence, always use a comma after Jr. and Sr., but use a comma after II and III only if they …
AM/PM vs a.m./p.m. vs am/pm - English Language & Usage Stack …
I used to think PM/AM was correct, but at some point, I switched to using p.m./a.m. for reasons I can't recall. I know that in practical, casual writing, people tend to use whatever form is most
What's the proper way to handwrite a lowercase letter A?
2017年10月31日 · To answer your question simply: The proper (or at least normal) way to write "a" in handwriting is to write it "ɑ" without the arc above the loop. The two ways to write lower …
punctuation - What's the proper way to punctuate inches when …
8.5" x 11" seems to be the cleanest way to write these numbers in a text. Other proper ways are 8 1/2" x 11", 8.5in x 11in, 8.5 x 11 Inches. However, 8" 1/2, 8"1/2, 8in 1/2 are not proper. The …
What is the proper way to say possesive with "person X" and self?
Possible Duplicate: My wife and I's seafood collaboration dinner. I've never known what the proper way to use a sentence in which you and a specific person (as in you can't just say "our" …
Is it CoViD? Or COVID? Covid? How should the word be spelled?
2020年3月24日 · Any all-capital proper-name acronym is, in some house styles, fashioned with a single initial capital if it exceeds four letters (Basic, Unesco, Unicef). Editors should avoid this …
Periods after directional abreviation in address
I am creating a business card, and I need to put the address of the company on it. What is the proper way to write this address? 555 14th St NW, Atlanta, GA 55555 ; 555 14th St NW., …