Polycrystal | Grain Boundaries, Microstructure & Crystallinity
Polycrystal, any solid object composed of randomly oriented crystalline regions, called crystallites, especially as distinguished from a single crystal (q.v.). Polycrystalline materials result when a …
Crystallite - Wikipedia
Polycrystalline materials, or polycrystals, are solids that are composed of many crystallites of varying size and orientation. Most materials are polycrystalline, made of a large number …
polycrystal,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“ [晶体] 多晶体”。
Polycrystal - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
A polycrystal is a space-filling solid composed of multiple grains, yielding a mosaic like microstructure, see for instance the two examples in Fig. 3. Grains, which are identical except …
金属晶体的理论与模拟(1):Atomsk生成多晶 - 知乎
该教程解释如何生成三维和二维的多晶,包括所及或特定位置及方向的 晶粒。 模式“--Polycrystal”,如它的名字所言,用于建立一个多晶。 在接下来的例子中,一个铝的胞元将会作 …
多晶态 - 百度百科
多晶态是很多细小晶粒的集合,是互相由界面相隔形成的聚集状态。 晶粒可以由微米级到毫米级的各种大小,晶粒的成分和结构可以是同一种的,也可以是不同种类的。 界面可以是两个晶粒 …
4.5: Polycrystals - Engineering LibreTexts
2023年8月24日 · As the name suggests, a polycrystalline solid or polycrystal is made up of many crystals. The properties of a polycrystal are notably different from those of a single crystal. The …
Polycrystal - SpringerLink
A polycrystal is a heterogeneous crystalline edifice that simulates a single crystal but is composed of two (or more) structurally or chemically distinct species, syntactically intergrown (Donnay, …
Polycrystalline Materials – Definition - Material Properties
Not all solids are single crystals. When a metal starts with crystallization, the phase change begins with small crystals that grow until they fuse, forming a polycrystalline structure.
Crystalline vs. Polycrystalline - What's the Difference? - This vs. That
Crystalline and polycrystalline materials are both types of solids, but they differ in their atomic structure. Crystalline materials have a highly ordered and repeating arrangement of atoms, …