"parentheses" vs "parenthesis" [closed] - English Language
2013年10月6日 · Parentheses is the regular plural. Usually, you use a pair of the signs showing an insertion, then "between parentheses" - or brackets ; however, "in parenthesis" means : as …
(Parentheses (inside parentheses)) - English Language & Usage …
2014年9月12日 · The old typographical convention which I was told years ago by a retired typesetter, is that if one has nested parenthetical expressions, different characters are used for …
Where does the period go when using parentheses?
2012年7月7日 · Place the period logically when parentheses are involved. In the first example, the period goes outside because the single sentence ends after the parentheses. In the second …
punctuation - Use of "e.g." — are parentheses necessary? - English ...
2012年10月21日 · The same sentences can be written with the abbreviations in parentheses, where the comma is still required "after" the abbreviation but should not be placed "before" (in …
Double parentheses - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
brackets often show parentheses within parentheses. Smith and her commander (Robert Parnell, also a [helicopter] pilot) both survived the crash. But in some fields, such as law, it's not only …
punctuation - Using i.e. in parentheses - English Language
2011年2月10日 · I took the plural "parentheses" in Cynthia's question to be about brackets only, since I believe there is consensus that "i.e." often requires some sort of parenthesis, such as …
What is the common name for brackets, braces, and parentheses?
Parentheses is a plural; the singular is parenthesis. "Parens" is usual and understandable, yes. Share. ...
punctuation - Is it acceptable to nest parentheses? - English …
2011年2月3日 · Parentheses are a way to stuff more ideas into a sentence than it could otherwise bear. They make life easier for the writer who is trying to capture all his ideas as they bubble …
Is there any rule for the placement of space after and before …
2010年12月1日 · Ordinarily a parenthesis (pl: parentheses) introduces a term or clause that modifies whatever precedes it.It would be preceded by a space and followed by whatever …
parentheses - Number agreement when using “(s)” for optional …
The parentheses are a distraction. As @coleopterist points out , the Chicago Manual of Style recommends against using it unless it is simple and effective. I would argue that it isn't simple …