Paleokarst - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Paleokarst refers to karst formations that have been buried by younger rocks. It serves as an indicator of terrestrial environments and the duration of emergence, and can be complicated to …
On the dissolution paths and formation mechanisms of paleokarst ...
2023年10月1日 · Paleokarst is an important diagenetic product that contains valuable information on paleotectonic, paleoclimatic, and sea level changes and hydrocarbon reservoir …
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
2020年9月9日 · We propose a supervised convolutional neural network (CNN) to automatically and accurately characterize paleokarst and associated collapse features from 3-D seismic …
Paleokarst - SpringerLink
Ancient karst, with its associated subterranean features, is also of great scientific interest because it not only records past exposure of parts of the earth's crust, but preserves information about …
(PDF) Karst and Paleokarst - ResearchGate
2014年12月31日 · Many karst landforms are intimately linked to underground drainage systems, or caves, which are an integral component of karst landscapes. Caves, and their contained …
Chapter 13 Paleokarst (Dissolution Diagenesis): Its Occurrence …
1994年1月1日 · Paleokarst refers to karstic (dissolution-related) features formed in the past, related to an earlier hydrological system or landsurface. Karst is a term used to describe …
Introduction to Karst Systems and Paleokarst Reservoirs
1993年1月1日 · Karst is the product of subaerial (terrestrial and coastal) exposure of carbonate rocks, recognizable by features produced by dissolution, precipitation, erosion, sedimentation …
Pennsylvanian–early Permian palaeokarst development on the …
2017年7月14日 · The Pennsylvanian to lower Permian succession at Madiyi, South China, represents a nearshore mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system characterized by cyclic …
Palaeokarst and its implication for the extinction event at the ...
The features of the palaeokarst, depth of pipes and amount of missing strata indicate a significant and long-lasting (> c. 50 ka) fall of sea level at the end of the Frasnian.
Paleokarst as a target for modern karstification
1995年10月1日 · Paleokarst phenomena are those that at present or for some duration in the past have been decoupled from all active hydrogeochemical systems. They are widely distributed …