openstack-discuss mailing list. stackoverflow.com for code questions. serverfault.com for operations. The Internet Archive has archived the site.
How can I setup private/public network for access Instance from ...
From my OpenStack host ( can acesss internet, but public network that floating ip is 192.168.80,65 can't access internet. Is it problem if my external network is in same segment …
SSL Handshake fails on instances [closed] - ask.openstack.org
Hello, I've got a fresh grizzly setup and on my instances, I can't connect to some websites via SSL.
Attempt of RDO AIO install IceHouse on CentOS 7
As I installed Icehouse, I recorded the changes I needed to make in Puppet, and have the following list, but don't remember exactly which one of the changes fixed this one. I'm also not …
Cinder Local Storage Options on >=Mitaka - ask.openstack.org
The current operating assumption is having each nova compute node tied to a matching configured cinder availability zone (volume_group). Volume creation then takes place on e.g …
While creating user in keystone i got the error __init__ () got an ...
I am trying to create user in keystone openstack icehouse, i got the followiing error .
swift stat command does not work - Ask OpenStack: Q&A Site for ...
edit openstack-swift openstack configuration object-storage asked 2015-11-25 05:46:27 -0500 Vranke 13 3 3 8 updated 2015-11-25 06:04:41 -0500
Installing with DevStack in Docker container - ask.openstack.org
Hi everybody, I am trying to install OpenStack into a Docker container. The problem happens at almost the end of the installation, at line 1352: service_check. Devstack checks services and …
failed to start keystone - Ask OpenStack: Q&A Site for OpenStack …
See 'systemctl status openstack-keystone.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details. Wrapped exception: Execution of '/sbin/service openstack-keystone start' returned 1: Redirecting to …
fwaas create/delete both in pending status - Ask OpenStack: Q&A …
I was trying the FWAAS functionality. I created the rule, the policy and at the end the firewall which was hanging in the PENDING_CREATE status. So I decide to delete it but olso this …
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