Is God Everywhere, Omnipresent? - JW.ORG
Misconception: God must be omnipresent in order to know all things and be all-powerful. Fact: God’s holy spirit, or active force, is God’s power in action. Through his holy spirit, God can perceive and do anything, anywhere, at any time, without being present in person. —Psalm 139:7.
Is God Omnipresent? - JW.ORG
Is God Omnipresent? MANY people believe that God is omnipresent, meaning that he is literally everywhere and in everything. Wise King Solomon made this request to Jehovah in prayer: “May you yourself hear from the heavens, your established place of dwelling.” (1 Kings 8:30, 39) According to the Bible, then, Jehovah God has a place of ...
Dieu est-il partout ? Est-il omniprésent - JW.ORG
Dieu peut tout voir et intervenir partout où il le souhaite (Proverbes 15:3 ; Hébreux 4:13). Mais la Bible n’enseigne pas que Dieu est omniprésent, c’est-à-dire présent partout et en toutes choses.
Does God Dwell in One Place? | Our Readers Ask - JW.ORG
2011年8月1日 · Various religions describe God as omnipresent, a term suggesting that God dwells in all places simultaneously. For example, the New Catholic Encyclopedia refers to God as the one “who is actually present in all existing places and things.” Likewise, John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, wrote a sermon entitled “On the Omnipresence ...
The Nature of God | What the Bible Says - JW.ORG
The Bible does not teach that God is omnipresent, or present everywhere at all times, like some impersonal force. Rather, as Jesus’ words found at Matthew 6:9 and 18:10 show, God is a person —a “Father”— and he resides in heaven, his “established place of dwelling.” —1 Kings 8:43.
¿Es Dios omnipresente? - JW.ORG
^ párr. 13 Revelación 5:11 deja ver que alrededor del trono de Dios había “miríadas de miríadas” de ángeles. Una miríada es un conjunto de 10.000 unidades; por consiguiente, una miríada de miríadas (10.000 x 10.000) equivale a 1
Dieu est-il omniprésent - JW.ORG
QU’EN PENSEZ- VOUS ? Dieu est- il omniprésent ? — 1 Rois 8:30, 39. Quelle est l’étendue de l’action de l’esprit saint ?
Questions About God - JW.ORG
Answers to some of the most common questions about God. Get the facts. The clear explanations found in God’s Word may surprise you.
Is the Devil Real? | Bible Questions - JW.ORG
Is Satan the Devil real? The Bible provides the answer. It reveals his personality, exposes the tricks he uses to hide his existence, and clears up other misconceptions.
What Is the Seven-Headed Wild Beast of Revelation Chapter 13?
The wild beast with seven heads introduced at Revelation 13:1 represents the worldwide political system. It has authority, power, and a throne, which point to its being a political entity.