Found stronghold, no end portal - Minecraft Forum
2014年7月21日 · This also happens in older versions (the stronghold in my 1.6.4 world had a couple sections (if not the End Portal, which I directly found using Eyes of Ender so this wouldn't have mattered) separated by a wall, in one case there was a button by itself with no doorway), especially when they are under an ocean, because water prevents pieces from generating, …
Stronghold without end portal - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
2018年9月30日 · However, I started with a world (seed 2073790909) and located the stronghold. Its very small with just one chest and a library. I went to creative and mined every block in every direction without even finding another stone block. Since End Portal 'blocks' are indestructible, I blew up everything within 100 blocks in all directions.
No end portal? - Minecraft (Bedrock) Support - Support
2015年1月11日 · So I've been playing minecraft for a few months on one seed in survival and finally went to find the end portal. Found stronghold and searched the crap out of it with no luck. I made the same seed in creative and found the stronghold in the same place, but there is a section that isn't there on survival and it contains the end portal.
I have no end cities - Survival Mode - Minecraft: Java Edition ...
2018年9月19日 · I wanted to kill the ender dragon with my friends so I put the save up on a server, my friends joined, we killed it, but after going to the end island I have not been able to find any cities at all. After an hour of jumping from island to island, almost shitting my self over every jump, I got fed up and went creative.
Missing end gateway - Survival Mode - Minecraft Forum
2016年12月17日 · The end gateway appeared like it was supposed to. I recently spawned the dragon again and killed it but no new end gateway. The Wiki page says up to 20 gateways can be generated in each world and there doesn't seem to be much out there suggesting that this is a common problem.
No End Exit Portal - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
No End Exit Portal #1 Feb 7, 2022. Tommy418. Tommy418. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Out of ...
No End Exit Portal - Creative Mode - Minecraft: Java Edition ...
2021年12月29日 · What I understood was that you made it to the overworld safely. But when you made an end portal again to enter the end the dragon didn't spawn which is completely normal. You have to resurrect the dragon using 4 end crystals if you want to …
Can not find end portal in stronghold. - Minecraft Forum
2019年8月24日 · Amidst v4.2b shows a stronghold at -160, -1360 using my PCMCv1.9.2 profile and no stronghold anywhere near those coordinates when using a PCMCv1.8.9 profile with the seed "-5584713007972042215". So I have to assume the OP is using PCMCv1.9.2 and mis-entered the coordinates.
Finding End Cities - Survival Mode - Minecraft: Java Edition ...
2017年9月28日 · Once you've got an Elytra and some rockets, you can fill in the blank parts of the maps VERY quickly, but be sure to a) stay at fairly high altitude, and make sure you don't lose track of your orientation and end up unknowingly spiraling down into the void. Also try to avoid looking at any endermen as you come in for a landing.
Found end ship...no elytra - Survival Mode - Minecraft Forum
2016年12月29日 · The first time the dragon is killed it drops 12,000 experience orbs, which is enough to get you to level 78 (from zero). After that it only drops 500. So if you didn't gain a ton of levels you probably weren't the first to kill the dragon (and there should be an end gateway portal somewhere over the central end island).