Nationalization - Wikipedia
Nationalization (nationalisation in British English) is the process of transforming privately owned assets into public assets by bringing them under the public ownership of a national government or state. [1] . Nationalization contrasts with privatization and with demutualization.
NATIONALIZE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
NATIONALIZE definition: 1. (of a government) to take control of a business or industry: 2. (of a government) to take…. Learn more.
NATIONALIZE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of NATIONALIZE is to give a national character to. How to use nationalize in a sentence.
NATIONALIZATION definition | Cambridge English Dictionary
NATIONALIZATION meaning: 1. the process of a government taking control of a business or industry: 2. the process of a…. Learn more.
NATIONALIZE Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
They talk about seizing white-owned land and nationalizing mines and banks. Nationalize definition: . See examples of NATIONALIZE used in a sentence.
NATIONALIZE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
The plans to nationalize these sectors of business were widely accepted. Most of the industrial sector and part of the agricultural sector have been nationalized. Nationalizing rail systems early on helped protect some countries from attack and furthered the expansionist dreams of others. transitive verb: nationaliser [...]
Nationalise - definition of nationalise by The Free Dictionary
nationalise - put under state control or ownership; "Mitterand nationalized the banks"
Nationalize - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
To nationalize something is to make it public, or government-run, rather than private. Many countries, including the U.K. and Germany, have acted to nationalize railroads during periods when they faced bankruptcy.
Nationalize Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
The government nationalized the health-care system in the mid-1950s.
What does nationalise mean? - Definitions.net
Nationalise refers to the process by which a government takes over the ownership, control, and operation of a private entity or industry and brings it under state control. Nationalisation usually occurs in sectors that are deemed essential or strategic, like …