Melanosome - Wikipedia
Melanosomes are responsible for color and photoprotection in animal cells and tissues. Melanosomes are synthesised in the skin in melanocyte cells, as well as the eye in choroidal …
黑素体 - 百度百科
在黑素瘤细胞中,有时黑素体聚集起来组成黑素体的 复合体 (melanosome complex)。 黑素小体为球形或卵圆形空泡,内有少量蛋白质微丝;酪氨酸酶活动性很强,但尚无黑素形成。 黑 …
The melanosome: membrane dynamics in black and white
2001年10月1日 · Melanosomes are morphologically and functionally unique organelles within which melanin pigments are synthesized and stored. Melanosomes share some …
Melanosomes – dark organelles enlighten endosomal membrane …
Melanosomes are intracellular organelles that are uniquely generated by pigment cells in the skin and eye, where they function to synthesize and store melanin pigments. Although …
Melanosomes: Biogenesis, Properties, and Evolution of an …
2019年1月1日 · Melanosomes are organelles that produce and store melanin, a widespread biological pigment with a unique suite of properties including high refractive index, …
Melanosome - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Melanosomes are the melanin-containing organelles that are responsible for pigmentation of the hair and skin of mammals. Because melanosomes are visible under a light microscope, they …
Recent advances in understanding the molecular basis of …
Melanin pigments are responsible for human skin and hair color, and they protect the body from harmful ultraviolet light. The black and brown melanin pigments are synthesized in specialized …
Melanosomes: Biogenesis, Properties, and Evolution of an Ancient ...
2018年9月26日 · Melanosomes are organelles that produce and store melanin, a widespread biological pigment with a unique suite of properties including high refractive index, …
Melanosomes at a glance - The Company of Biologists
2008年12月15日 · Melanosomes are intriguing organelles that are involved in diverse cellular processes, and their study has provided new insights into a variety of cell-biological and …
Melanosome Origins, Diversity and Functional Relevance Across …
Melanophores are the most common type of chromatophores, responsible for the black, brown and brownish red coloration of integuments and their derivatives. Melanosomes are derived …