如何看待川普阵营和极右MAGA之间爆发内讧? - 知乎
2024年12月30日 · maga觉得美国强大的关键是他们,而政治精英们清楚的知道美国之所以强大和maga们并没有半毛钱关系,反而美国现在的衰落和他们非常有关系。 对于美国的政治而 …
r/maga - Reddit
ADMIN MOD • Maga supporters will literally tell you that gas is too expensive because of Biden, and in the same sentence, tell you the electric cars don’t make sense because gas is so …
MAGA affecting family, where's the line? : r/AskConservatives
People who are MAGA supporters just want what's best for the American people. mRNA cannot drip off of someone else and infect another person, it's at the DNA level. But that however …
MAGA = NAZI - Reddit
MAGA = NAZI. It's the same ideology of hate. Hatred of minorities. Hatred of LGTBQ+. Hatred of non-Christians. Hatred of immigrants. Hatred of political opponents. Hatred of the disabled. …
Are MAGA people even aware of how stupid they sound?
2024年1月1日 · This shows why disagreements with MAGA types tend to go nowhere, since presenting evidence that goes against their leader doesn't seem to deter them. I'm not really …
如何评价极右MAGA大V被美国全网软禁言? - 知乎
在他本人看来,他自己和maga极右虽然都支持川普,但iq却差了将近三个民主党。 而且他当时发这个居然没有引起同阵营支持者的不满,看来川粉MAGA大都觉得自己属于高IQ那一组,而自 …
/r/manga: manga, on reddit.
r/manga: Everything and anything manga! (manhwa/manhua is okay too!) Discuss weekly chapters, find/recommend a new series to read, post a picture of …
How can I change my Maga and Super Trump from my Coinbase …
2024年3月12日 · Welcome to /r/EthFinance, A community for Ethereum investors, traders, users, developers, and others interested in discussing the cryptocurrency ETH and general topics …
What is MAGA communism? : r/NoStupidQuestions - Reddit
2022年11月15日 · Basically MAGA communism is in the broad category of "Third Positionism", which are ideologies that ostensibly attempt to unite fascism and communism into a single …
Why do you see maga as a threat? : r/AskALiberal - Reddit
2021年8月31日 · MAGA is at its core a right wing, ultra nationalist, authoritarian ideology based on strong hierarchy based on race, religion and gender. People will point at the 1/6 …