Uncertainty principle on macroscopic objects - Physics Forums
2025年2月1日 · In theory, I can make the momentum measurement more and more precise, and the lens' wavefunction in space coordinates spreads accordingly. But you don't seem alarmed …
The difference between microscopic and macroscopic cross sections.
2010年10月31日 · The macroscopic cross-section (Σ) has units of cm-1 is derived from the microscopic section according to Σ = N σ, where N is the atomic density of a particular nuclide. …
Microscopic and macroscopic physics - Physics Forums
2020年8月13日 · Quantum Mechanics seems to explain phenomenon happening on a microscopic scale, where measurements aren't definite and probability plays a role. Classical …
Macroscopic object wave function - Physics Forums
2020年1月16日 · Did theoretician understood how a wavefunction with such a small wavelength could arise from the wave functions of the smaller particles inside the macroscopic objects that …
Is General Relativity Exclusively a Macroscopic Theory? - Physics …
2004年11月23日 · No one is saying that GR is only a macroscopic theory, just that on the microscopic scale quantum effects become significant and also have to be taken into account. …
Uncertainty principle at the macroscopic level - Physics Forums
2015年12月1日 · what will be the scenario if Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is applied at macroscopic level? Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- Physics Articles Physics Tutorials …
Stiffness of a single interatomic spring - Physics Forums
2012年2月25日 · 1) What is the spring stiffness of the entire wire, considered as a single macroscopic (large scale), very stiff spring? ks = 35000 N/m [Correct] 2) How many side-by …
The arrow of time (again) - Physics Forums
2025年3月9日 · It is only after you specify it that you can answer the question whether the collapse violates time reversibility or not. In particular, in MWI, the collapse is an illusion …
Calculation of neutron transport cross section - Physics Forums
2013年7月12日 · macroscopic cross section=1/mean free path for water 1-cos(theta)=0.324 and 0.116 for heavy water Its not right to use theta in thermal energy because in thermal area of …
Understanding the Uncertainty Principle: Microscopic vs.
2016年3月25日 · perhaps you meant micrscopic and macroscopic level. Uncertainty principle works/operate at microscopic level- in classical world -macroscopic level the uncertainties are …