LAW-ABIDING Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of LAW-ABIDING is abiding by or obedient to the law. How to use law-abiding in a sentence.
LAW-ABIDING | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
It is surprisingly easy for otherwise law-abiding citizens to run afoul of the overwhelming number of federal and state criminal laws. From Politico Bankers who securitized subprime mortgages -- paid for by law - abiding taxpayers -- are laughing all the way to the banks with their big bonuses.
LAW-ABIDING Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
See examples of LAW-ABIDING used in a sentence.
Law-abiding - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘law-abiding'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion …
Definition of law-abiding – Learner’s Dictionary - Cambridge …
LAW-ABIDING meaning: A law-abiding person always obeys the law: . Learn more.
law-abiding adjective - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and …
obeying and respecting the law. The police have been preventing ordinary law-abiding citizens from going about their own business.
law-abiding Definition, Meaning & Usage - Justia
Definition of "law-abiding" Refers to a person who consistently follows and respects societal rules and regulations ; How to use "law-abiding" in a sentence. As a law-abiding citizen, he always paid his taxes on time. Those who are law-abiding often have a …
Law-abiding - definition of law-abiding by The Free Dictionary
law-abiding - (of individuals) adhering strictly to laws and rules and customs; "law-abiding citizens"; "observant of the speed limit"
Law-abiding Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Obeying the law; characterized by lawful behavior. Teaching kids character education helps them become law-abiding, contributing citizens. The Maoris of to-day are law-abiding, peaceable and indolent.
LAW-ABIDING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Such actions against law-abiding citizens will not be tolerated. A law-abiding citizen reported the scam to the police. It is these unusual, but still law-abiding states, that could be a source of law-abiding miracles in a deterministic universe. We homeless ones are a law-abiding class of citizens, but even the worm will turn when trodden upon.