Couroupita guianensis - Wikipedia
Couroupita guianensis, known by a variety of common names including cannonball tree, [3] is a deciduous tree in the flowering plant family Lecythidaceae.
砲彈樹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
砲彈樹 (学名: Couroupita guianensis),为 玉蕊科 砲彈樹属 下的一个种 [3]。 种加词 guianensis 意为“ 圭亚那 的”。 原產地中南美洲。 本種因其碩大球形果實,狀如中世紀發明的砲 …
Cannonball Tree (Couroupita guianensis): All You Need To Know
Couroupita guianensis, commonly known as the Cannonball Tree, is an extraordinary tropical tree known for its striking flowers and cannonball-shaped fruits. Native to the rainforests of Central …
圭亚那笔花豆 - 百度百科
圭亚那笔花豆(Stylosanthes guianensis (Aubl.) Sw.)是豆科,笔花豆属直立亚灌木或草本植物,高可达1米。 叶片先端常钝急尖,基部楔形,边缘有时具小刺状齿;无小托叶,花序密集的 …
Couroupita guianensis - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Couroupita guianensis, commonly known as cannonball tree, is a soft-wooded, deciduous tropical tree of the Brazil nut family that typically matures to 50-75’ (infrequently to 100’) tall. It is …
Cannonball tree | Fruit, Tropical, Ornamental | Britannica
cannonball tree, (Couroupita guianensis), tall, soft-wooded tree, of the family Lecythidaceae, native to northeastern South America and notable for its large, spherical woody fruit, which …
Extracts from the Leaf of Couroupita guianensis (Aubl.): …
Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the chemical composition of extracts from Couroupita guianensis Aubl. leaves, evaluate their toxicity, and assess their antioxidant and antimicrobial …
Nutritional, chemical, and morphological assessment of
2024年5月12日 · Couroupita guianensis, a member of the Lecythidaceae family, is a plant widely known for its large, edible and unconventional fruits. The objective of the present study was to …
Learn About The Tropical Cannonball Tree - Gardening Know How
2022年12月21日 · The cannonball tree (Couroupita guianensis) is a deciduous tropical tree that hails from the rainforest regions of the Guianas Island. It is a soft-wooded relative of the Brazil …
冕鵰 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
冕鵰 (學名: Morphnus guianensis)是 冕鵰屬 (學名: Morphnus)的唯一成員,种加词 guianensis 意为“ 圭亚那 的”。 分布於 新熱帶界,包含 瓜地馬拉 、 貝里斯 、 宏都拉斯 、 尼加 …