Is the word "granular" a synonym for the word "specific"?
Granularity is not a synonym for specificity, but as @FumbleFingers says, it's sometimes used as one. My best guess as to why is that managers in computing companies grabbed onto the …
What does "granular" mean in computer articles?
2014年2月7日 · technical characterized by a high level of granularity: a granular database. Granularity. technical the scale or level of detail present in a set of data or other phenomenon: …
Unambiguous alternatives for "more/less granular" for data?
2023年1月6日 · Granularity is built on the concept of the sieve. Real physical granularity uses 3-dimensional sieves and filters and screens to control for physical size of the grains. …
Opposite of "granular" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2019年1月2日 · granularity in the sense you refer to is not a gradable attribute, at least not in terms of usage. It is a figurative use of something physical that has become jargon which …
What is a word for granularity that spans the entire range?
"Granularity" seems to be being used similar to how we use "resolution" to refer to the level of detail in computer graphics. By definition, "granularity" doesn't refer specifically to time and …
grammatical number - Usage of "granularities" (in plural form ...
2014年6月13日 · Conversely if granularity is shorthand for a specific grain size, such as in sand/sediment samples, or the salt grain size associated with photosensitive films of differing …
A person who cannot understand that there may be other …
2014年6月10日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
synonyms - What is a word for a process that repeats at a …
2021年7月3日 · A process which repeats at set intervals is said to be regular.. regular adj. Arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space …