'Fold up' vs 'Fold over' - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2020年10月14日 · One of the many definitions of "up" is: adv: tightly or firmly in order to keep something safe or in position. For example, "tied up" means tied tightly, "wrap up" means …
What is the difference between "fold back" and "fold up"?
2018年5月1日 · "fold up" is the better option. To fold something "back", describes a specific orientation of what you're folding. As in, "Facing the box, fold back the top flap to expose the …
meaning - Why the hood is also called bonnet? - English …
2018年12月11日 · The fact of the matter is that while people in British English speaking countries have words and usages that are unusual or have minority status in North America, we are …
What is the difference between "a spade" and "a shovel"?
2023年5月8日 · A spade has a flat blade and is for digging or for breaking up compacted soil. A shovel has a blade turned up at the edges and is for moving loose stuff from a heap into a …
Does the word "fold" in the following context mean "times"?
2016年3月26日 · No, it is not correct. Saying something is X-fold is saying it is 2^x times. Think "folding paper." How many parts do you have if you fols a piece of paper three times? The …
Why can "low" become "lower" and "lowest", while "up" can't?
2018年4月24日 · You turn up the volume to hear better. (turn up =increase) You turn down the sound when the neighbours complain. (turn down =decrease) You climb up a mountain in the …
prepositions - Put your hands "in" or "into" your pockets? - English ...
2016年3月11日 · Googling "into your pockets" and "hands into your pockets" brings up this page as the first result, which seems to back this up somewhat. – Kyle Strand Commented Mar 11, …
What is the difference between "open" and "open up"
Up can be attached phrasally to quite a few verbs that aren't verbs of motion like walk, run, etc. Or you can consider it something like an adverb instead of a preposition. The meaning is one of …
Differences between 'till now', 'as of now','yet', 'up till now'
The "up" doesn't really mean anything and is an artifact of colloquialism. As of now. This phrase means "starting from now." You can think of it as the opposite of "'til now;" whereas "'til now" …
phrasal verbs - Is there any difference in meaning between "take …
2020年3月27日 · One typical online dictionary (Dictionary.com) includes as definitions for 'take on', to accept as a challenge) and for 'take up', to accept, as an offer or challenge, so there's …