first sight是什么意思_first sight的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱 …
[谚]评人论事,莫靠初见. Their first sight of land came after three days at sea. 他们在海上三天之后才首次见到陆地. They fell in love at first sight. 他俩一见钟情. It was love at first sight, and he proposed to me six weeks later. 我们一见钟情,他6周后就向我求婚了。 At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed, balconied houses, set among well-tended gardens.
AT FIRST SIGHT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
AT FIRST SIGHT definition: 1. when someone sees something or someone for the first time: 2. when someone sees something or…. Learn more.
at first sight 在英语中的意思 - Cambridge Dictionary
At first sight these points of view appear completely different from one another. I hated the car at first sight but I absolutely love it now. She says that when they met "it was lust at first sight." AT FIRST SIGHT的意思、解释及翻译:1. when someone sees something or someone for the first time: 2. when someone sees something or…。 了解更多。
迷惑:「乍一看」到底是at first sight還是at the first sight?
2017年12月7日 · at first sight. at first sight 做狀語時,習慣單獨用,放在句首或句末。例句1:He falls for every pretty girl at first sight(對每一位漂亮的姑娘,他都一見鍾情)。例句2:At first sight the house appeared to be empty than it really is(乍一看,這所房子似乎空無一人,但實際 …
First Sight – Eye Glasses
First Sight provides affordable and sustainable eyeglasses to people in need. Prices range from just US$3.95 to $6.95 (per each prescription eyeglass with customized lenses or $6.95 in quantity). Our approach is simple and effective. We use a mobile eye-care system that allows us to diagnose and correct vision problems in just 10 minutes.
at first sight和at the first sight有什么区别? - 百度知道
2023年10月15日 · at first sight和at the first sight的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、含义不同. 1.at first sight. 释义:乍一看;一见之下;初看时. 2.at the first sight. 释义:一见钟情;第一眼;乍一看;第一印象. 二、用法不同. 1.at first sight
first sight - 英中 – Linguee词典
Real-time network connections monitoring and alert can help you to diagnose internet connection/speed problems at the first sight. 通过WFilter(超级嗅探狗)的实时连接监控、带宽监控,可以对当前网络状况一目了然,立即诊断网络问 题。 [...] high-flying female, Jewel. 但它远离爱情之间的驯化和飞行挑战蓝光和完全独立的,高飞扬的女性,珠宝一见钟情。 [...]
First sight app | rencontre
Avec l'application First sight app, voyez le profil de célibataires qui sont présents dans un lieu public simultanément lorsque vous y êtes. Vivez des rencontres et des premiers regards en personne.
第一眼的英文_第一眼用英语怎么说_第一眼翻译:at first glance; first sight …
给力词典为您提供第一眼的英文翻译,第一眼的读音,拼音 [dì yī yǎn] 第一眼翻译:第一眼的英文 at first glance,第一眼也可以翻译为 first sight 表示第一眼。
First Sight Present - Nến Thơm Quà Tặng
First Sight là thương hiệu gia công sản phẩm thủ công nến và tinh dầu, được thành lập 5/2017. Sau hơn 4 năm hình thành và phát triển, đến 5/2021 First Sight ra mắt mảng kinh doanh hoa tươi và có cửa hàng kết hợp các set quà tặng nến, tinh dầu và hoa tươi đầu tiên tại Việt Nam.