How long after an extradition waiver is signed does the receiving …
2016年6月16日 · On May 9th, he signed the extradition waiver for a Wisconsin "fugitive to felony" warrant. Is it true that the receiving state would have 10 days from the time he signed to …
What happens at an extradition hearing? - Legal Answers
2012年2月15日 · All that happens at an extradition hearing is the judge determines whether the state that is trying to extradite you has sent the appropriate paperwork and whether you are …
What are the pros/cons to fighting an extradition? Are charges …
2014年5月4日 · All that it means is that the current extradition warrant is quashed, and they can re-issue it. There are only very limited grounds for fighting extradition, generally the main one …
How long can Mississippi hold someone for extradition to another …
2016年8月12日 · The closest that you are going to come to getting a competent answer is to call the shift commander at the facility where he is being held (awaiting extradition) and ask how …
How many days does Texas have to extradite a fugitive from …
2009年4月15日 · If one waives extradition, the requesting/receiving state has 10 business days to pick up the person, or that person will be released. If one does not waive extradition, then the …
Laws on Extradition in Washington state. - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2013年2月8日 · Laws on Extradition in Washington state. If the warrant was for a class C felony, it is possible that Washington knew he was in Arizona but chose not to extradite him.
What is the extradition process and time frame for Florida?
2018年5月21日 · The closest that you are going to come to getting a competent answer is to call the shift commander at the facility where he is being held (awaiting extradition) and ask how …
What are the extradition laws in Missouri? - Legal Answers
2017年4月29日 · Most people waive extradition to make the process quicker. However, he should contact an attorney in Kentucky to discuss whether waiving extradition is in his best interest. If …
Can you be extradited on a misdemeanor - Legal Answers
2012年1月3日 · I was wondering would minnesota extradite on a misdemeanor I was on supervised probation for an assault case (the intent to cause) and they had me in probation …
How long can NJ hold an inmate for NY for extradition when he …
2014年7月21日 · This can take weeks. If a person wishes to have an extradition hearing, the State controlling the prisoner (at least in the case of NJ) has 90 days to obtain the Governer's …