Can I get emancipated but still live with my mom.
2015年12月27日 · You need parental approval to become emancipated except in extraordinary situations not apparent here. If you are emancipated you may live with your mother. …
Emancipation of a minor? What if my parents refuse to sign the …
2009年11月11日 · If you are 16, you must be living apart from your parents and show that you can support yourself. If your parent will verify or sign your petition, your court appointed …
How to become emancipated in Florida? How long does it take?
2014年11月10日 · Wait until you are 18, that would be much easier than filing a case to get emancipated, which you probably do not qualify for to begin with. Look up the statute that has …
Is emotional abuse enough to file for emancipation?
2021年5月13日 · To be emancipated, you must prove not only that you are capable of supporting yourself without assistance from others (including the government), but also that it is in your …
Emancipation of Adult Child - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
There are many factors as others have mentioned in determining whether a child is emancipated or not. The child support guidelines have an entire section of the treatment of government …
When you are emancipated do you still get your parents …
2012年12月4日 · Unlikely. The fact is that to be emancipated, you have to be TOTALLY self-sufficient, with your own job, your own place to live, your own insurance, and that your do not …
Can I as an emancipated 16 year old open a bank account?
2018年9月27日 · Yes, if you are emancipated, you are considered legally an adult (except for drinking and a few other exceptions). Here is a summary from a guide published by the State …
How do i get an emancipation in Tennessee? What're the …
2019年2月19日 · In order to be emancipated, most courts require you to be able to support yourself, not live with another family. Emotional and verbal abuse is very hard to prove. You …
Can a 16 year old be emancipated in Kentucky? - Legal Answers
The child is emancipated automatically. There are a few exceptions to this rule including a child that is still a full-time student but has not graduated but still 18, the parent is still responsible …
Can I be emancipated in New York at 16 if pregnant?
2015年12月29日 · His parents are also willing to allow me to move in and will tell the courts they will support me. I want to become emancipated and need to know if that is possible and if …