Ejaculation: How It Works, Complications & Disorders - Cleveland Clinic
Ejaculation is when you release semen (cum) from your penis. It usually happens when a person with a penis reaches orgasm (sexual climax), but it can also happen without orgasm. What is …
Ejaculation - Wikipedia
Ejaculation involves involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor and is normally linked with orgasm. It is a normal part of male human sexual development. It can occur spontaneously during …
EJACULATORY的意思、解释及翻译:1. related to the action of ejaculating (= producing a sudden flow of semen from the penis): 2…。了解更多。
Ejaculatory duct - Wikipedia
The ejaculatory ducts (ductus ejaculatorii) are paired structures in the male reproductive system. [1] Each ejaculatory duct is formed by the union of the vas deferens with the duct of the …
射精 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
射精 (英語: ejaculation)是指 精液 (通常包含 精子)從 男性生殖系統 射出的過程,一般會伴隨 性高潮,進而引起 骨盆底肌肉 (英语:pelvic floor) 的不自主收縮。 射精是雄性受到足夠 …
Penis: Anatomy, Picture, Erection, and Ejaculation - WebMD
2024年5月17日 · In order to ejaculate, semen has to travel through structures called the ejaculatory ducts. These ducts deliver semen to the urethra, the tube that allows this fluid (and …
EJACULATORY Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of EJACULATORY is marked by or given to vocal ejaculation. How to use ejaculatory in a sentence.
EJACULATORY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
EJACULATORY definition: 1. related to the action of ejaculating (= producing a sudden flow of semen from the penis): 2…. Learn more.
射精管 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
射精管(ejaculatory duct)是人体内输送精子的生殖管道一部分,由输精管末端与精囊腺的排泄管汇合而成。 与输精管相同,人体有一对射精管,在 射精 过程中起着重要的作用。
射精- 生物百科 - 生物行
射精(Ejaculation)是指男性在性高潮(Orgasm)时通过**阴茎(Penis)**将精液(Semen)排出体外的过程。 这个生理现象是男性生殖系统的一部分,通常伴随着愉悦感。 射精的发生需 …