Which is the proper spelling: "disfunction" or "dysfunction"?
Hugo found a useful thread at Word Reference.. It points out that dys-is Greek in origin, and means "bad or difficult" and that function is Latin in origin and means "an activity that is natural …
Dysfunction vs Disfunction - WordReference Forums
2009年6月29日 · Disfunction - impairment of function or malfunctioning, as of an organ or structure of the body. Dysfunction - the condition of having poor and unhealthy behaviors and …
etymology - "Dysfunctional" vs. "disfunctional" - English Language ...
From WordReference.com on Dysfunction vs. Disfunction: dys-is a Greek prefix meaning "bad", "abnormal", ...
Are 'dysfunction' and 'malfunction' complete synonyms?
2011年11月8日 · Disfunction refers to absence of function or results at all or sometimes called non-functional, i.e the bullet doesnt come out of the gun when trigger is pulled even when the …
is it a word - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2013年4月13日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
"Dysfunction" as a verb? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2013年1月26日 · I wonder if it is possible to use the noun "dysfunction" as a verb. It is certainly a noun, but in general use it seems to mean something far more awful and much less technical …
malfunction vs dysfunction - WordReference Forums
2013年9月6日 · I think that 'malfunction' mainly refers to technical issues. Dysfunction can be used when referring to human organs, for example, and is used to describe illnesses (mental …
Is there a pejorative/offensive slang word or phrase for a man who ...
2014年10月26日 · Erectile Dysfunction is defined as the consistent or recurrent inability to acquire or sustain an erection of sufficient rigidity and duration for sexual intercourse. Clinic 45 I'm a …
Sexual disfunction - including a loss of sex drive, interest and/or ...
2006年5月15日 · Hola Breist. Poir mi parte te aporto: Sexual disfunction - including a loss of sex drive, interest and/or performance - is a common symptom of depression = la disfunción …
erectile disfunction - WordReference Forums
2010年12月8日 · Como dería "erectile disfunction" para describir un hombre que no puede más tenir una erección? Gracias