Datura - Drugs-Forum
2010年5月7日 · Datura (known by shamans as Toe) may be added to ayahuasca brews, but in very small amounts. The shamanic people who use the ayahuasca for religious purposes know of the Daturas deliriant and toxic properties and so add only 2-3 leaves of Datura to a brew for around 30 people.
Experiences - Datura permanent damage warning - Drugs-Forum
2016年7月20日 · Hi, I joined to share about my 50-year-old brother's experience with Datura six months ago. It is important to understand that he was living with a brain injury when he took datura, so he had a much weaker brain than a healthy person. Even alcohol can have many times stronger effects on damaged brains. That brain injury occurred five years ago ...
Drug information - Datura basics - Drugs-Forum
2006年8月3日 · The good point was that smoking datura would not produce any unpleasant side effects such as the dry mouth/inability to piss/blurred vision you get when using it orally (which is dangerous). If one can get some powerful datura spp. flowers, then maybe it could be nice to mix it with tobacco and marijuana (to potentialise the marijuana high).
Drug information - Diphenhydramine vs. Datura? - Drugs-Forum
2011年5月17日 · Datura lasts longer but it can also be extremely dangerous. Datura also does not produce the drunk feeling diph does, it just give you a real hazy high and for a friend of mine made him very energetic. My friend is convinced the dose he took was weak, as he experienced nothing out of the ordinary.
Datura experiences? - Drugs-Forum
2004年7月12日 · Ive done datura tea about 4 or 5 times but yeah forsure make sure you dont take tomuch man. Ive had 50/50 luck wiht it one bad trip one good one. One the bad ones i usually wake up in a ditch somewhere cuz i refuse to go to the hospital.
Extraction - Scopolamine experiment questions - Drugs-Forum
2009年7月22日 · The patches themselves can be used with a little know-how, but thoroughly do the research. And get it out of your head to do any kind of extraction with anything this poisonous! Especially Datura! There's a LOT more than scopolamine in Datura. Stay away from it. Read some more in the Nightshades forum and you'll start to understand why.
Combinations - Salvia and Datura - Drugs-Forum
2008年12月17日 · Smoking Datura is much safer than using it as a tea. It can still cause deliriant effects, but typically is less intense and lasts a much shorter time. I've also heard about notions that Salvia doesn't interact well with other substances that have a feminine vibe to them.
Dose - Accidently took a lot of Datura seeds? - Drugs-Forum
2012年10月10日 · Scopolamine, one of the compounds in datura, definitely degrades after a while and almost two years is a pretty long time. So the seeds might be weak. Also, from my limited experience with lower doses of datura, I have generally found that the effects begin after 30-60 minutes and by 3 hours they seem to plateau.
Experience Report My experience with datura + art - Drugs-Forum
2021年11月17日 · This plant is known by many names among the most popular datura, burundanga or floripondio as I knew it There are many varieties of it and it has several uses also, for example within the traditional, the indigenous people used it to talk to the spirits of the forest, they even give this to children to try (tremendous shit if you ask me)
Using datura seeds to induce lucid dreaming? - Drugs-Forum
2009年4月12日 · Datura inoxia seeds are some of the best because of their high scopolamine content. Datura stramonium is one of the worst because of it’s high hyoscyamine content. Hyoscyamine is a stimulent. Scopolamine is a sedative. So for dreaming purposes D. inoxia is best. D. stramonium will also work but will make it difficult to sleep.