What's a good word for 'clear mindedness' and 'an ability to see ...
2015年4月30日 · Visionary covers seeing the big picture and having a clear mind; and also having vision and foresight. It is usually mentioned as a quality of leaders. Here is an excerpt from an …
Standard (legal?) phrase for a clear mind - English Language
2019年5月21日 · There is the phrase "being of sound mind" which is often seen in a legal context. One lawyer discusses the phrase in this page. The Oxford Dictionaries has the following …
Is it redundant to say that something is "clearly evident"?
2014年8月11日 · The Latin roots suggest that something which is evident should always be able to be seen clearly ("obvious to the eye or mind"). In the example sentence given, the word …
How to describe someone who often has his own idea and judgment
For people who know what they think, but doesn't make a habit forcing their thoughts on others, strong-minded, clear-sighted, and similar expressions are common. But my favourites are …
Where did the phrase blue sky thinking come from?
2018年6月3日 · wordhistories from the 1700's.. Then in the 20th century emerged the business jargon: blue sky thinking. Origin: Some people believe this began as a reference to casual …
nonsubjective - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
There are many options though. You should be more specific and maybe provide some context: apathetic, infirm, weak-willed, detached, aloof are all terms that spring to mind. Medically …
Origin of "egg on my face" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2011年5月3日 · It might be the case that that somebody had a clear image in mind, and could in principle distinguish between the two origins suggested above. They might even have told …
"Ensurance" isn't a word, so what can I use instead?
2016年7月12日 · "The neophyte may claim competence at the task, but your ensurance of its completion would ease my mind." "...tasked with ensurance of a clear path through the …
Is there a word or phrase meaning to plant my idea in someone …
2014年7月25日 · Subliminal is an adjective that has no clear verb to relate it to, so as a "single-word-request" for a verb it does not work. Normally this adjective describes the effects of the …
punctuation - Is there a standard ordering for the question mark …
(And asking this question.) Over use of punctuation marks has the opposite of the intuitive effect, becoming mere noise that drowns out the signal contained by the actual written text. While …