modal verbs - Can do AND can not do - English Language …
I can do it, or I can not do it. Spoken aloud, the not would usually be stressed. You can also remove the ambiguity by saying. I can choose not to do it. or. I can choose to not do it. Prescriptivist purists will complain about splitting the infinitive on the second of those; ignore them. People do it all the time.
informal language - "I do can..." - is this valid (even informally ...
While talking to my daughter yesterday, I challenged her that she cannot get ready in 10 minutes. We were, actually, going out. She's keen in learning English, and she surprises me with either her
Which one is correct in "How can I ..."? VS "How I can ..."
2014年10月10日 · How I can. I'm answering that way. When asking a question, the pronouns should be followed by an (auxiliary) verb. So, the structure in general is - What/How/Which etc. + verb + pronoun. A simple example is - What can you do for me? If you reverse the order, the phrase remains a sentence and not a question. What you can do for me is unknown.
word usage - When to use Shall and when to use Can? - English …
2016年8月26日 · "Shall I do X?" is an inquiry as to whether something ought to be done. You could safely rephrase it as "Do you want me to do X?" The underlying question is "Would it be a good thing for me to do X?" "Can I do X" taken literally, is a question as to whether the one asking is capable of doing X. You could alternatively put it as "Am I capable of ...
Can we or could we? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2021年11月2日 · "Can I ask a question?" "You mean may I ask a question. Obviously you can—you are able to—because you just asked one." But such use is so widespread that the correction is perhaps unreasonable in all but the most formal contexts. Could complicates things: it's just can, but in the conditional tense. But this conditional is commonly used to ...
tense - How can I say "can" in the future form? - English Language ...
2015年10月9日 · The simple present of most verbs can be used with future reference, so one thing you can do is simply use can with some indication of futurity. I cannot do that tomorrow. I may do that tomorrow. The other thing you can do is employ the infinitive of a "periphrastic" construction as the complement of will.
"Can you please" vs. "Could you please" [duplicate]
2013年3月10日 · If taken literally, "Can you" is equivalent to asking the person if they're capable of doing something. "Could you", on the other hand, implies that the action can be completed under some circumstances by the person. The usage of can you is idiomatic, and hence, is more popular used phrase of the two. Using either of them doesn't make them ...
questions v relatives - "How can we" vs. "How we can?" - English ...
2015年10月16日 · How we can achieve this (This is not a completed question or sentence,only a phrase that describe how you do the action.) example: If we study hard then we can pass the exam so "this is how we can achieve the success."(Think it like "This is …
What does 'There's only so much I can do' mean?
2020年3月8日 · In many cases, a native speaker would say There was only so much I could do if he'd already done it. But since it could be seen as a "generic" assertion concerning the speaker's limited powers of action, it would also be fine to use Present Tense regardless of whether there was any specific contextually-relevant need for action (which the speaker isn't sure he can / …
politeness - "Can you do this" or "Can you please do this" or …
2020年12月17日 · Can you do this... can also mean like you're asking if they can do the job or not. You can change it to 'Can you do this for me,' to clear the confusion. Can you please do this... is okay, too, because the word 'please' automatically tells …