blew blown - 搜索 词典
必应词典为您提供blew blown的释义,美[bloʊ],英[bləʊ],n. 一击;殴打;意外的灾害;奇袭; v. (风)吹;(轮胎等)爆炸;吹牛;鸣; 网络释义: 血统;
Blew, blown, or blowed Grammar & Punctuation Rules
To blow past something is to move quickly beyond it. The past tense is blew an the past participle is blown (e.g., I have blown a tire.). While dictionaries will say that blowed is a past tense form …
Blew or Blown: Which is the Correct Past Tense of Blow?
2023年1月10日 · To blow is in the present tense: ‘I need to blow my nose.’ Blew is the simple past: ‘A chill wind blew at the top of the hill.’ Blown is the past participle: ‘The car tires have …
blew - 搜索 词典
在联赛前期 一泻千里 (Blew)了。 倘若再不调节,不用说 (Needless to say)争冠 (Scudetto),害怕连欧冠资历都难保了。 1. The last time the Spurs blew this sort of lead and lost this sort of …
BLOW中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Strong winds blew the ship ashore. The referee blew his whistle for half-time. His car had been blown to pieces. 他的车被炸得粉碎。 If an electrical fuse (= a short, thin piece of wire) blows, …
blow的过去式和过去分词形式 - 百度知道
Blew 是 blow 的简单过去式。它表示过去某个特定时间点或时间段内完成的动作或状态,例如: He blew out the candles on his birthday cake. 他吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。 Yesterday, a …
blow 的过去式和过去分词及中文 - 百度知道
2013年11月28日 · blow 的过去式和过去分词及中文blow:n.殴打,打击;吹风,一阵风;意外的灾害;吹奏(声)vt.& vi.(风)吹;(轮胎等)爆炸vt.吹,吹气;使爆炸;奏出,演奏;使气 …
BLEW中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
BLEW翻译:(blow 的过去式)。 了解更多。
BLOWN中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
BLOWN翻译:(blow 的过去分词)。 了解更多。
Blew or Blown: Understanding the Correct Past Tense of Blow
2023年12月7日 · Blew is the simple past tense form of “blow,” and it is used to describe an action that occurred and was completed in the past. For instance, “He blew the candles out last …