Arachidonic acid - Wikipedia
Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid present in the phospholipids (especially phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylinositides) of membranes of …
花生四烯酸 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid)簡稱AA或ARA,20:4Δ 5c,8c,11c,14c ,是一種廣泛存在於細胞膜上的ω-6脂肪酸,營養學上亦歸類為一種條件性必需脂肪酸 [a] 。 其含有4个碳-碳双键和1个碳 …
专业科普系列之:花生四烯酸的前世今生 - 知乎
花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid, AA)又名花生油烯酸,是一种重要的人体必须脂肪酸,也是人体中含量最高、分布最广的多不饱和脂肪酸,在维持机体细胞膜的结构与功能上具有重要的意义。
Metabolism pathways of arachidonic acids: mechanisms and potential ...
2021年2月26日 · The arachidonic acid (AA) pathway plays a key role in cardiovascular biology, carcinogenesis, and many inflammatory diseases, such as asthma, arthritis, etc. Esterified AA …
Life Med | 王秀杰解析花生四烯酸代谢通路基因的进化保守性与功 …
2023年2月17日 · 花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid),又称花生油烯酸,是5,8,11,14-二十碳四烯酸。 花生四烯酸广泛分布于动物的中性脂肪中,是哺乳动物体内含量最多、分布最广的多不饱 …
Arachidonic Acid | C20H32O2 | CID 444899 - PubChem
Arachidonic Acid is an unsaturated, essential fatty acid. It is found in animal and human fat as well as in the liver, brain, and glandular organs, and is a constituent of animal phosphatides. It is …
花生四烯酸 - 百度百科
花生四烯酸(AA或 ARA),是全顺式-5,8,11,14- 二十碳四烯酸,化学式为C20H32O2,是一种ω-6 多不饱和脂肪酸,为 花生油 中饱和的 花生酸 的相对物。 常温压下稳定,避免与 强氧化剂 接 …
Arachidonic acid: Physiological roles and potential health …
Arachidonic acid (ARA) is a 20-carbon chain fatty acid with four methylene-interrupted cis double bonds, the first with respect to the methyl end (omega, ω or n) is located between carbon 6 …
花生四烯酸(Arachidonic acid)功能及应用场景 - 知乎
花生四烯酸(Arachidonic acid,CAS:506-32-1)学名为全顺式5,8,11,14-二十碳四烯酸,是一种重要的omega-6多不饱和脂肪酸。 作为细胞膜的关键组成,对细胞膜的流动性和柔韧性至关 …
arachidonic acid | Health Topics | NutritionFacts.org
Arachidonic acid is an inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid. Our bodies produce this nutrient, and its excess may lead to inflammatory diseases and mood disorders. Arachidonic acid is found in …