AGGRAVATING Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of AGGRAVATING is arousing displeasure, impatience, or anger. How to use aggravating in a sentence. Common Uses of Aggravate, Aggravation, and Aggravating: Usage Guide.
AGGRAVATING Synonyms: 157 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for AGGRAVATING: annoying, frustrating, irritating, disturbing, exasperating, maddening, irksome, vexing; Antonyms of AGGRAVATING: delightful, pleasing, obliging, gratifying, pacifying, satisfying, appeasing, placating
AGGRAVATE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of AGGRAVATE is to make (something) worse, more serious, or more severe : to intensify (something) unpleasantly. How to use aggravate in a sentence.
AGGRAVATING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
AGGRAVATING definition: 1. annoying: 2. making something worse, such as a crime: 3. annoying: . Learn more.
AGGRAVATE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
AGGRAVATE definition: 1. to make a bad situation worse: 2. to make a disease worse: 3. to annoy someone: . Learn more.
AGGRAVATE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
AGGRAVATE meaning: 1. to make a bad situation worse: 2. to make a disease worse: 3. to annoy someone: . Learn more.
AGGRAVATING Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
See examples of AGGRAVATING used in a sentence.
AGGRAVATING definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
AGGRAVATING definition: causing or full of aggravation | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Aggravating - definition of aggravating by The Free Dictionary
To make worse or more troublesome: aggravate political tensions; aggravate a medical condition. 2. To annoy or exasperate: The child's whining aggravated me. See Synonyms at annoy. [Latin aggravāre, aggravāt- : ad-, ad- + gravāre, to burden (from gravis, heavy; see g w erə- in Indo-European roots).] ag′gra·va′tor n.
519 Synonyms & Antonyms for AGGRAVATING - Thesaurus.com
Find 519 different ways to say AGGRAVATING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.