2D vector modelling for game development - Stack Overflow
2010年1月17日 · As far as 2D vector game programming goes, it usually is the domain of Flash and Flex. Still SVG and loading it via Cairo seems to be a viable solution. Although I'd take care to make sure that you have hardware acceleration enabled (OpenGL backend preferably).
vector - Game enemy move towards player - Stack Overflow
2010年4月12日 · The vector from the player to the enemy is: Player - Enemy or (10, 10) - (20, 10) = -10, 0 Normalising this vector gives you the unit vector, or direction. Which in this case is -1, 0. Multiple the unit vector (which is the direction remember) by a scalar value each frame and the enemy will move towards the player.
c# - Find a GameObjects Vector3 - Stack Overflow
2015年12月14日 · Recently I have been working on a save/load-function. What I want to do is save the current Vector3 after the button "Save" has been pressed. However, I can't seem to figure out how to find a GameO...
c++ - Handling entities in a game - Stack Overflow
2014年6月5日 · As a small exercise I am trying to write a very small, simple game engine that just handles entities (moving, basic AI etc.) As such, I am trying to think about how a game handles the updates for all of the entities, and I am getting a little bit confused (Probably because I am going about it in the wrong way)
What is the need for normalizing a vector? - Stack Overflow
2012年4月4日 · The Cartesian coordinate system that we use is an orthonormal basis (consists of vectors of length 1 that are orthogonal to each other, basis means that any vector can be represented by a unique combination of these vectors), when you want to rotate your basis (which occurs in video game mechanics when you look around) you use matrices whose ...
how does normalizing vectors go with game programming
2014年2月25日 · Multiply a unit vector by five, and what do you have? A vector pointing five units in that direction. As a practical example, let's say I'm writing a camera system for a simple game: two cars race against each other on a straight track. The camera should orbit around the player's car while looking in the direction of the opponent.
How to create a layout of bricks for Breakout game using a …
In the Game class, you will see I am now drawing the bricks using vector array. Also I tried reading text file and drawing the layout of bricks but it is not working properly just yet. Also I tried reading text file and drawing the layout of bricks but it is not working properly just yet.
How to navigate through a vector using iterators? (C++)
2010年3月7日 · You need to make use of the begin and end method of the vector class, which return the iterator referring to the first and the last element respectively. using namespace std; vector<string> myvector; // a vector of stings.
How to convert Game Rotation Vector sensor result to axis angles
Refer to the code below, I got 4 numbers from the Game_Rotation_Vector sensor event and what I want to achieve is to get the axis angle rotation of my phone. eg. If I rotate the phone screen counter clock wise for 90 degress, I want to get the actual value 90deg from the sensor data.
What are vectors and how are they used in programming?
The most useful stl container is vector. A stl::vector is a sequence of elements of a given type. The elements are stored contiguously in memory. So a STL vector is a collection of values of the same type—in this way it's like the mathematical meaning of vector/module—but the main issue is how elements are stored.