Transitions Lenses | Light Intelligent Photochromic Lenses
Discover Transitions light intelligent photochromic lenses. Transitions light intelligent lenses automatically adapt to changing light conditions offering you ultimate protection from light both indoors and outdoors, protection against UV light and harmful blue light.
Transitions GEN S: Dynamic Lenses for Everyday Wear
Experience vibrant hues with our dynamic Transitions GEN S. From clear indoors to vivid colors outdoors, enjoy better vision quality and faster light adaptation.
Transitions XTRActive Lenses | Our Best Lens for Light Sensitivity
Discover Transitions XTRActive lenses today and protect your eyes from bright sun and harsh indoor light with our UV protective technology.
Compare our lenses - Transitions
Use our guide to compare the different types of Transitions lenses and their features. Discover the best lens for you and your lifestyle.
Lentes fotosensibles inteligentes a la luz - Transitions
Los lentes inteligentes Transitions se adaptan automáticamente a los cambios constantes de luz, ofreciéndote la máxima protección contra la luz tanto en interiores como en exteriores, protección contra los rayos UV y la luz azul nociva.
Polarized Photochromic Lenses. - Transitions
Discover Transitions XTRActive Polarized; combining the benefits of light intelligent lenses and dynamic polarization, these are the only and best ever polarized photochromic lenses. Light Protection
See all products - Transitions
Choose from a wide range of lens colors and express your personal style with Transitions lenses tailored to your eyecare needs.
Transitions | Intelligente, selbsttönende Brillengläser
Entdecke unsere intelligenten, selbsttönenden Transitions Brillengläser, die sich automatisch wechselnden Lichtverhältnissen anpassen. Transitions ist die optimale Lösung für deinen Alltag dank Technologie mit Wow-Effekt: Deine Brillengläser sind im Raum vollkommen klar und im Freien optimal dunkel.
Lentes Fotocromáticas Light Intelligent - Transitions
Descobre as lentes fotocromáticas Transitions Light Intelligence. As lentes Transitions Light Intelligence adaptam-se automaticamente às condições de luminiosidade oferecendo uma avançada proteção da luz.
Where To Buy Glasses with Transitions Lenses near you
Locate an eye care professional near you or online and ask about Transitions ® Light Intelligent Lenses ™.