Trying to Understand Quote by Nietzsche - Philosophy Stack …
The abyss is a more difficult one to capture in words. If given a choice, I prefer to simply stare at the phrasing you already have: "If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into …
What did Nietzsche mean by monsters and the abyss?
When the abyss "looks into us", it is reflecting our own fears rather than a genuine monster, and fighting our fears can lead us into becoming actual monsters. A classic example would be the …
what are some examples of a monster (nietzsche monster and the …
2023年9月20日 · Take the example of an enemy who is willing to kill. When faced with such an enemy, a good person may be drawn into a situation in which they must acknowledge the …
Why, according to Nietzsche, is becoming a monster by fighting to ...
2016年9月20日 · And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. Source: Beyond Good and Evil In fiction (and in real life at times) people embrace the inner …
reference request - Did Camus ever really write "Should I kill …
A poster on fuckyeahcamus blog, who did extensive searches on it, including The Stranger, where it also is not, muses "As we know and is exemplified through the proliferation of quotes …
What is the source of this Nietzsche quote?
2019年9月9日 · When you say "original German translation", do you mean the original German version of the quote (not a translation since he was writing in German), or do you just want to …
Interpretation of Nietzsche's "We have art in order not to die of …
2018年8月18日 · The truth is not good for human beings - the truth is horror. Reality as it truly is, is not beautiful - it is terrifying. To pursue the truth, far from pursuing the good and achieving …
What is reification in philosophy of science and why is it a fallacy?
2024年12月29日 · In terms of light we even got into the struggle that light is both a wave-entity and a particle-entity and that there are situations where it's more wavy or more particly. Also …
existence - What does this quote by Albert Camus mean?
2021年9月8日 · More complete quote: If man realized that the universe like him can love and suffer, he would be reconciled. If thought discovered in the shimmering mirrors of phenomena …
ethics - What did Dostoyevski mean with his character saying …
2023年2月17日 · "If God does not exist, anything is permissible" was uttered by Ivan in 'Brothers Karamazov'. Dostoyevsky is a controversial author, and he saw western Europe as a …