Shen counters : r/Shen - Reddit
2021年4月30日 · If you're willing to learn a champ though, that has a favorable lane against Shen and that's also not too niche (so I'm not gonna mention like Neeko), you're looking at stuff like Aatrox, Sett (broken this patch), Darius, Pantheon, Illaoi, Rumble (also overtuned), GP (if you're willing to learn such a hard champ)...
Champions that counter Shen counters (building a champion pool …
2021年3月1日 · Weirdly enough and not necessarily a counter to Shen counters but I feel like wukong plays well into anything, no ridiculous hard matchups, possibility to shit on Darius and setts alike and just an overall strong pick considering how teamfight oriented this season is contrary to the last
Shen counters? : r/Shen - Reddit
2020年8月23日 · lmao I cant tell if you're serious, you think stacks equals win? I've beaten countless Darius players at low levels as Shen the Q damage is nasty as fuck, and by the time its over, you already have Q back, you have a shield, if darius q, you e into him. press q. press w so he has trouble stacking. and by the time hes 3-4 stacks, hes at 30-40% hp, and you flat out …
Counter to counters : r/Shen - Reddit
2022年3月19日 · Pretty much shen have 2 melee counters its darius and sett, rest is absolutely possible to win against, but remember ur power is up to lvl 8/9 later u will just get blasted by most of the strong top picks
Shen counters : r/Shen - Reddit
2021年2月24日 · If you play it right and don't W into Shen's W or anything like that, it's a pretty easy matchup. Although more niche, Shen does have a pretty hard time against Singed as well, as Shen can't do much to mitigate Singed's damage, and Singed has 2 very easy ways to interrupt Shen R.
What are some good secondary champions to play to deal with …
2023年8月29日 · Works the other way too, as Shen does well into Camille and Irelia, which is two of Aatrox's worse matchups, with Irelia being almost unplayable for Aatrox. Can be a little difficult to learn at first, but very fun.
Does Shen have any hard counter? : r/wildrift - Reddit
2023年7月3日 · Interesting I find that Shen counters zed it might be a build diff as zed is semi force into building serpent early, slowing to black cleaver and serylda’s which means he not as deadly. I haven’t played the aatrox jungle match but as long as you match him ult with your ult and buy thorn second I don’t think it’s should be that hard like ...
Shen vs Mordekaiser? : r/Shen - Reddit
He really is a tankbuster, morseo than Darius. Best thing to do is to pick an auto attack based bruiser/duelist like Camille, Jax, or Irelia, but especially those who like short trades, like camille. If you end up as shen, all you can really do is just catch him …
How to counter Shen top (from a Shen player) : r/leagueoflegends …
2012年2月16日 · The best counter to Shen is definitely Mordekaiser. Because of his shield, Shen cannot easily harass in lane, which takes away his greatest strength. Mordekaiser can push all day, and unless Shen's jungler specifically goes top to help out, will take out towers.
How to counter Shen : r/Shen - Reddit
2022年2月16日 · That's why I pick Graves. He has everything Shen lacks - waveclear and tower damage. It's a common lie about Shen that he's a good splitpusher, once he gets 6100 gold he can effectively split, but he has absolute ZERO tower damage. Shen's win condition - kill Graves early, take lead and help team get objectives, peeling carries (Roam tactic).