OpenSeaMap - The free nautical chart
VAR 3.5°5'E (2015) ANNUAL DECREASE 8' Edit. Map with JOSM Remote; View. Weather; Sea Marks; Harbours; Sport; Aerial photo; Coordinate Grid
C-MAP: Nautical charts
C-MAP offers the most personal, stress-free, end to end marine experience by providing high-quality nautical maps along with navigation, traffic and weather information to easily plan trips on the water and enjoyable experience with peace of mind.
i-Boating : Free Marine Navigation Charts & Fishing Maps
Once enabled you can view lake depth contour maps, electronic navigation charts (ENCs) in your browser. Lake Temperature maps (Thermocline maps), Marine weather, Relief Shading are …
U.S. Office of Coast Survey
2025年2月11日 · We are the nation's nautical chart-maker. We are responsible for upgrading charts, surveying the seafloor, responding to maritime emergencies, and searching for underwater obstructions that pose a danger to navigation.
Nautical Charts - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA ENCs are vector data sets that support all types of marine navigation. They hold all of the navigational information associated with traditional nautical charts, while also facilitating real-time ship positioning and helping with collision and grounding avoidance.
Chart Locator - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Vector files of chart features and available in S-57 format. NOAA ENCs support marine navigation by providing the official Electronic Navigational Chart used in ECDIS and in electronic charting systems. NOAA ENCs are updated weekly with Notice to Mariner corrections.
Free NOAA PDF nautical charts now permanent
After a three-month trial period, PDF versions of NOAA nautical charts will become a permanent product, free to the public. The free PDFs, which are digital images of traditional nautical charts, are especially valued by recreational boaters who use them to plan sailing routes and fishing trips.
Where do I get NOAA nautical charts? - NOAA's National Ocean Service
2024年11月26日 · NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey is the nation’s chartmaker, providing thousands of electronic navigational charts covering 95,000 miles of shoreline and 3.6 million square nautical miles of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes waters to the …
Navionics Online – view marine charts from various sources for FREE
I supply fully loaded navigation tablets with Navionics charts and built in GPS antennas with these exact charts. They work offline without any cell phone or WiFi signal, and can be used onboard for real time navigation!
Nautical chart - Wikipedia
Depending on the scale of the chart, it may show depths of water (bathymetry) and heights of land (topography), natural features of the seabed, details of the coastline, navigational hazards, locations of natural and human-made aids to navigation, information on tides and currents, local details of the Earth's magnetic field, and human-made stru...