National Scenic Area (United States) - Wikipedia
A National Scenic Area in the United States is a federally designated area of outstanding natural and scenic value that receives a level of protection that is less stringent than wilderness …
美人痣?风景区?-英语点津 - 中国日报网英语点津
笔者使用Google进行检索的结果显示,scenic area和scenic spot这两个表达均大量存在,而且有着以下几个特点:第一,scenic area的出现频率比scenic spot要高;第二,这两个表达主要见于 …
About The NSA | Columbia River Gorge Commission
The National Scenic Area is known worldwide for the variety and quality of recreational opportunities: windsurfing, hiking, fishing, mountain biking, kayaking, kiteboarding, and rafting …
National scenic area - Wikipedia
A national scenic area (NSA) is a conservation designation used in several countries. Some of the national scenic areas in Taiwan are: In Scotland national scenic areas (NSAs) are defined as …
英语考试干货!最全旅游景观英文名称,快收藏~ - 知乎
祖国的大美河川以及风景名胜,翻译成英文要怎么说,最全汇总分享给大家。 实用单词汇总这类题材在近几年各类考试中都有所考察。 自然景观景观 Landscape 或 Scenery海滩 Beach江;河 …
scenic area是什么意思_scenic area的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_ …
How large an area does the scenic area of Huangshan Mountain cover? 黄山景区面积是多少? Venue: Puzhehei Scenic Area of Qiubei County , Wenshan Prefecture. 地点: 文山州丘北县普 …
山水相融:黄果树大瀑布、天星桥景区入口游客中心 / 中规院+清 …
As a key project for improving the infrastructure of the scenic area, this project focuses on comprehensively renovating and upgrading the entrance areas of the two core scenic areas of …
The Official Guide to Portland - Portland, Oregon - The Official …
Plan your trip and explore what things to see and do in the Columbia River Gorge including hiking trails, scenic vistas and how to avoid crowds. Just 30 miles (48 km) east of Portland sits the …
National scenic areas in the United States - Wikivoyage
This article lists scenic areas in the United States National Park System: national preserves, national recreation areas, national seashores, national lakeshores, national rivers, national …
Maps & Data | Columbia River Gorge Commission
Utilize our interactive maps to navigate the complexities of land ownership and land use designations and to understand the scenic, natural, cultural, recreational, and economic …