repotting - What will happen if I repot my Acers in May
2020年4月18日 · I wouldn't worry about the timing. I've worked for several plant nurseries that sold and installed trees and shrubs, and we would repot or plant throughout the growing …
houseplants - Should I repot my plants that I bought online ...
2018年3月11日 · So those are my reasons as to why I think you should repot. Also, as a bonus, here are some almost indestructible beginner plants for you to try. Spider Plant, …
repotting - When and how to repot this cactus? - Gardening ...
To repot a cactus, especially a spiky one like yours, you'll want some old foam cushions that are as deep as the spikes to allow for safe and easy handling. Simply wrap the cactus in …
watering - Venus Flytrap: repot, sun and water - Gardening ...
2017年6月24日 · You should only repot CP's like this in the spring, before they come out of their dormancy period. If you have to repot, you can, but everything will be smoother if you wait till …
repotting - Is it time to repot my chili plants? - Gardening ...
2018年2月12日 · I'm a first time grower in need of some advice: About three weeks ago (2018-01-20), a repotted my chili seedlings into the pots seen in the pictures. Is it already time to repot …
When should I start repotting bonsai Juniper?
2014年1月8日 · It depends on what part of the world you are located. I live in pacific northwest in Washington state. We have pretty mild winters here in the Puget Sound so I am able to repot …
Should I repot a newly purchased rubber plant
2018年6月7日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
How often should I repot Lithops and Conophytum?
2016年5月22日 · You can repot every two years, but they're usually fine if left a lot longer, they're pretty slow growing, but should be given a low nitrogen liquid fertilizer a couple of times a year …
How should I repot these overgrown and delicate plants?
I've got several plants that are probably overdue to be repotted. One of them is a cactus with lots of new growth and sharp spines. And the other is a jade where many more of the cuttings …
fruit trees - How do I repot an avocado? - Gardening
2017年1月31日 · Thankyou soo much! I added the picture to the original question. You can not see the roots very well but if you could imagine a medium-size jam jar, like a small mason jar, …