Reclamation leads to loss of soil organic carbon and molecular ...
Both peat and non-peat wetland reclamation resulted in organic carbon loss, and carbon loss from peat wetland reclamation was more severe (p < 0.01). Compared to those in natural wetlands, the relative proportions of both aliphatic and alkyl compounds decreased, and the relative proportions of nitrogenous compounds increased in paddy field soils.
Reclamation and Restoration of Disturbed Systems - ScienceDirect
2019年1月1日 · Reclamation: repairing some or most of the damage done to land so that it can serve some productive function; returning it to a useful state. For example, salinized farmland, unable to support native plants, can be planted with salt-tolerant plants ( halophytes ) to prevent erosion and provide wildlife habitat.
Sea Reclamation in Mainland China: Process, Pattern, and …
2023年4月1日 · Since 1980, the total reclamation area in mainland China was 896.0 thousand ha, with an ARA of 23.6 thousand ha/yr. The sea reclamation areas in 1980—1990 and 1990—2000 were similar at 176.25 and 179.53 thousand ha, respectively. Sea reclamation area were largest during 2000—2010 but declined slightly during 2010—2018.
Mine reclamation planning and management: Integrating natural …
2020年12月1日 · Traditionally, Czech reclamation planning works with four types of mine reclamation, according to the prevailing final land use: hydric, forest, agricultural, and others (mainly recreational). These involve many technical interventions and intensive initial management activities, known as planned (or technical) reclamation ( Prach et al., 2019a ...
‘Making Bombay Island’: land reclamation and ... - ScienceDirect
2018年1月1日 · The reclamation work therefore combined European and non-European labour and knowledge, much in the same vein as V.S. Candiani has recently outlined for the Desaguë in Mexico City. 70 A crucial distinction between these two cases is that in Bombay the reclamation did not seek to replace indigenous with European agricultural practices. The ...
Land reclamation and artificial islands: Walking the tightrope …
2017年10月1日 · Land reclamation in Penang began in the early 1800s (City Council of Georgetown, 1966) during the British administration but recent large-scale coastal development projects have contributed to the alteration of the coastline of Penang to make way for transportation and infrastructure (City Council of Georgetown, 1966, Khoo and Wade, 2003).
Wastewater Reclamation - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Water reclamation includes the processing of water obtained from different sources to generate a new water appropriate for other purposes like groundwater replenishment, agriculture and land irrigation, potable water supplies, industrial facilities, and environmental restoration. From: Clean Energy and Resource Recovery, 2022
Coastal reclamation alters soil organic carbon dynamics: A
2024年5月1日 · Coastal reclamation had been becoming an important way for promoting the development and use of China’s coastal resources before 2018. Agricultural reclamation has always been the main form of China’s coastal development, including reclamation for agriculture and marine aquaculture aims (Tian et al., 2016).
The legacy of surface mining: Remediation, restoration, …
2016年12月1日 · The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1977) calls for rehabilitation, reclamation and restoration of the land disturbed by surface mining operations. Although an estimated US$ 7.2 billion has been spent on the recovery of surface coal mining sites in Appalachia ( Table 2 ), the outcomes have been mixed.
Modeling the influences of land reclamation on groundwater …
2010年8月10日 · Land reclamation may have significant influences on groundwater systems but this problem has not been adequately studied. Using FEFLOW (Diersch, 2005), a three-dimensional finite element groundwater model, the response of the groundwater system on the impact of land reclamation in the Shekou peninsula from 1983 to 2007 was simulated.