Bible Prophecies That Have Come True & Prophecy Fulfilled Today …
Prophecies That Have Come True Earlier we referred to the legend about Croesus’ being misled by the oracle of Delphi, which resulted in his defeat by the king of Persia. The Bible, on the …
Prophecies That Came True - JW.ORG
MANY Bible prophecies have come true in such detail that critics claim they were written after the fulfillment. But such claims are untrue. God, being almighty, is fully capable of prophesying. …
Do Messianic Prophecies Prove That Jesus Was the Messiah?
It is not possible to specify a definitive number of Messianic prophecies. For example, the method of numbering prophecies can vary even for passages that are clearly Messianic. The passage …
What Is Prophecy? | Bible Questions - JW.ORG
Examples of Bible prophecies not involving predictions On one occasion when the Israelites asked God for help, he sent a prophet to explain that because they had refused to obey God’s …
Understanding Ezekiel’s Prophecies - JW.ORG
Prophecies related by Ezekiel sometimes have more than one fulfillment. For example, the prophecies of restoration had a limited fulfillment when God’s people returned to the Promised …
Great Earthquakes—What Did the Bible Prophesy? - JW.ORG
However, the prophecies in this book were written “in signs,” so these earthquakes are not literal but symbolic. (Revelation 1:1) For more information, see the article “The Book of …
The Last Days—Accurate Bible Prophecy, Part 6 - JW.ORG
Consider some of the prophecies that mark our time as unique. Prophecy 1: “Nation will rise against nation.” —Matthew 24:7. Fulfillment: In the early years of the 20th century, many were …
Prophecy - JW.ORG
Many of the prophecies during this period described the reign of God’s Anointed One (Messiah, or Christ) and the blessings of his rule. Other Messianic prophecies pointed to persecution of …
Bible Prophecy Fulfilled Today - JW.ORG
2015年9月1日 · Many detailed prophecies are found throughout the Bible. No man can foretell the future in detail. Thus, the fulfillment of Bible prophecies provides convincing evidence that the …
Learn From Bible Prophecy | Watchtower Study - JW.ORG
In addition, Bible prophecies help us to maintain a positive hope for the future, no matter what trials we face now. Let us briefly consider two prophecies recorded by Daniel that are now …