Prestressed concrete - Wikipedia
Prestressed concrete is a highly versatile construction material as a result of it being an almost ideal combination of its two main constituents: high-strength steel, pre-stretched to allow its full …
PRESTRESSED中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
PRESTRESSED翻译:(混凝土等)预加应力的。 了解更多。
prestressed是什么意思_prestressed的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_ …
Prestressed structure - Wikipedia
In structural engineering, a prestressed structure is a load-bearing structure whose overall integrity, stability and security depend, primarily, on prestressing: the intentional creation of …
What is Prestressed Concrete? – theconstructor.org
Prestressed concrete is a system into which internal stresses are deliberately induced without any form of external loads to improve its performance. The internal stresses induced in the …
What is Prestressed Concrete? How Does It Work?
Pre-stressed concrete is a form of concrete where initial compression is given in the concrete before applying the external load so that stress from external loads is counteracted in the …
Prestressed Concrete – Full Details - Civil Engineering Blitz
Prestressed concrete is concrete in which internal stresses are introduced to reduce potential tensile stresses in concrete resulting from applied loads. The principle behind prestressed …
Definition, Method, Advantages, Disadvantages - Civil Lead
Prestressing removes design limitations of conventional concrete and permits the building roofs floors, bridges and walls with longer unsupported spans. Because of this ability pre-stressed …
预应力混凝土结构的概念(Prestressed Concrete) - 技术邻
2021年4月30日 · 靠增加钢筋混凝土构件的截面尺寸或增加钢筋用量的方法来控制构件的裂缝和变形是不经济的,因为这必然使构件自重(恒载)增加,特别是对于桥梁结构,随着跨度的增 …
Prestressed Concrete Principles, Need and Advantages
Prestressing is the intentional creation of permanent stress in a structure or assembly, for improving its behavior and strength under various service conditions.