Persistent post-concussive symptoms (Post-concussion syndrome)
Oct 30, 2024 · Persistent post-concussive symptoms also are called post-concussion syndrome. The symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, and trouble with concentration and memory. Symptoms can last weeks to months.
Post-Concussion Syndrome: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment
Apr 11, 2023 · Post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is when you have concussion symptoms that last months or even a year or more after your initial injury. The symptoms can affect you in many ways, including how your body and brain function, as well as how you experience emotions.
Post-Concussion Syndrome - WebMD
Oct 19, 2023 · Post- concussion syndrome is a condition that is typically associated with a head injury. The head injury may be categorized as a concussion or a mild traumatic brain...
Post-concussion syndrome - Wikipedia
Post-concussion syndrome (PCS), also known as persisting symptoms after concussion, is a set of symptoms that may continue for weeks, months, or years after a concussion. PCS is medically classified as a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Postconcussive Syndrome - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Aug 28, 2023 · Postconcussive syndrome (PCS) describes the constellation of symptoms that commonly occur after mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), and patients who suffer more than one brain injury are at increased risk. Symptoms may be physical, cognitive, behavioral, and/or emotional in nature.
Postconcussion syndrome - UpToDate
Postconcussion syndrome (PCS) is a common sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and describes a symptom complex that includes headache, dizziness, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and cognitive impairment .
Clinical Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Postconcussion Syndrome
Postconcussion syndrome (PCS) is a complex set of symptoms occurring in a small percentage of patients following concussion. The condition is characterized by headaches, dizziness, cognitive difficulties, somatosensory issues, and a variety of other ...
腦震盪後症候群 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
腦震盪后症候群 (Post-concussion syndrome, PCS)為腦震盪 (輕度的創傷性腦損傷, MTBI)後所產生的一系列症狀 [1][2][3],它可能持續幾週、幾個月或有時一年以上。 PCS為創傷性腦損傷 (TBI)最常發生的一種狀況 [2],38-80%的輕度頭部創傷皆可能有此症狀 [4]。 腦震盪症候群的判斷標準可能為當症狀持續超過3個月 [5],也可能在一週內 [6] 或10天 [7] 就被判斷為腦震盪症候群。 持續性的腦震盪症候群 (PPCS)的症狀會持續超過6個月 [6][8],或根據其他標準,3個月以上 [9]。 腦震 …
What is PCS? | Concussion Legacy Foundation
Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS), also known as persistent post-concussion symptoms (PPCS) is the persistence of concussion symptoms beyond the normal course of recovery. The majority of concussion symptoms will resolve within one month, but in cases that last longer than a month, doctors may diagnose PCS.
Post-concussion Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Jan 26, 2011 · Post-concussion syndrome is a collection of symptoms that some people develop after they have had concussion. It is a complication of concussion. Common symptoms of post-concussion syndrome can include headache, dizziness and memory and concentration problems.